My First Day

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We arrived at the school about 15 minutes later. I could hardly contain my excitement. The school was even prettier in person. We walked in through the glass doors and there was a large front desk with a pretty woman who looked a little older than me behind it.

"Anneyonghaseo!" She bowed and greeted us.

Taehyung and I both bowed in unison as I followed his lead to the classroom. I could hear music pounding from every room. I glanced in nearly every window we passed. Some were doing skits, some were dancing, some were singing, and some were playing instruments. We stopped in front of a door where everyone seemed to be playing a game of some sort.

"You ready?" He smiled at me.

"Of course."

"After you,"he held the door.

I stepped in and everyone stopped and smiled at me. A woman who looked as if she was in her thirties walked up to me and bowed as I did back.

"Ashlyn, right?"

"That's me!" I smiled.

"Anneyonghaseo," I waved to everyone in the room as they gave me scattered hellos back. She told me her name was Mrs. Lee and everyone in the room introduced themselves to me. Everyone was totally cool and immediately made me feel welcomed.

"Taehyung, why don't you give Ashlyn a tour of the school?"

"Ne," he bowed and opened the door for me.

"Nice meeting you!" I shouted before the door shut. "Wow. Everyone's so cool here."

"And you were all nervous," he snickered.

"Yeah, yeah. So what is it you d--"

"There he is," he cut me off and was looking into a door window.

"Who??" I said on the tip of my toes eager to see. He stepped back so I could see. I peaked in the window to see a guy who looked around my age with a brace on his leg dancing powerfully. "Wow, he's good. But.. What happened to his leg?"

"Well. He was running to catch his sister from running into the street one day. She didn't know a car was coming her way and he ran at the perfect time to save her. The truck hit his side with a small impact but the speed he hit the ground broke his ankle. The doctor says he might not be able to dance like he used to again, but he's pretty determined. His sister's a little sick in the hospital right now, but he says what he does is for her."

"Wow." I couldn't take my eyes off of his dancing. He struggled to bring his foot around but still managed to keep his hands in motion. "Are you two close?"

"He's my one of my closest friends here but he hasn't been the same lately. He's not the same happy Hoseok he used to be."

"Oh.." I pressed my hands on the glass.

"Are you some kind of fiend?"

I took my hands off of the glass and shoved my hands in my pocket immediately. "Psht. No. What are you-psht ha!"

"You're making it obvious Ashlyn."

"I just admire determination. That's all," I smiled and walked away. I heard his footsteps distancing from mine. "Hey, wait!" I ran to catch up to him. Damn he walked fast.

"The tour continues this way ma'am," he snickered. I couldn't help but make a face behind his back even though it didn't hide the fact that I looked stupid and that he was totally winning this little mocking game we were playing.

"Hey! You still didn't tell me what it is you do."

"I told you if you-"

"Oh my gosh stop stalling and tell me."

"Americans are feisty. I like that," he winked at me.

"Aish," I sighed. He took me around the school and introduced me to a few people in the halls here and there. I couldn't get myself to fathom the fact that I was actually going to start living out my dreams in Korea.

"Are you going to sit in on class today?" He asked.

"Yeah. Especially if I get to see what it is you do."

He smiled. "Come on."

It shocked me the way he pulled my arm a little bit. I could feel the blood run to my cheeks with every step I took.

"We're back!" He said as we walked through the classroom doors.

"Hey!" Mrs. Lee smiled. "How do you like the school Ashlyn?"

"It's beautiful."

"And your tour guide?" She nudged Taehyung.

I gave him a fake smile. "He was perfect."

"Well," she smiled "now that you're back, it's time for the dance off."

"The what now?"

Taehyung laughed. "Every time a new person joins we have a dance off. You're not nervous are you?"

"Not at all," I wiped my shoulder. "Drop the beat."

"Ohhhhh!" The class said in unison as I stepped between two lines. I did a couple of pop lock moves and ended it with a jump split. Everyone seemed impressed, so I took it upon myself to do a hair flip.

"Jimin, I bet you could pass her up," a boy with pink hair nudged the brown haired boy.

"Excuse me, miss Ashlyn." Jimin smiled and took center. He was pretty good. I clapped and nodded.

"Not bad Jimin," I laughed. "Not bad." About six more people challenged me. Not to my surprise, I was declared the winner. It was fun, and I got to get acquainted with the class and I seemed to fit in well. The teacher allowed us to go to the cafeteria to relax and get some food to snack on.

"You coming?" Taehyung asked me.

"Yeah, I just need to lace up my shoes before I trip," I laughed.

"Want me to wait?"

"Go on ahead. I'll catch up in a minute."

"Okay," he walked away.

I heard some footsteps nearing towards the empty room, but continued tying my shoes anyway. I looked up bashfully to see a brace and a black gym shoe in front of me. As I looked up, Hoseok was looking down on me. I got up immediately and dusted off my pants and bowed. "Anneyonghaseo."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Who are you?"

I felt a little embarrassed. "Ashlyn. I'm a new student here," I reached my hand out to shake his, but he walked right past me.

"Are you leaving soon? I've got something to take care of."

I frowned at his rudeness. I picked up my bag and opened the door. "I was just leaving," I said as I closed the door behind me. To me it didn't seem like a guy like that could be as giddy as Taehyung described him to be.

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