Being His Wife

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I went downstairs to breakfast the next morning without Tae. I woke up early and didn't want to disturb him. As I was eating, my mind was repetitively having nonstop flashbacks of the night before. It may have only been a couple of pecks on the cheek, but there was something about his charisma that drove me bonkers.

I looked at my phone that had just vibrated.

"Wifee. Are you up? I can't sleep."

I got nervous. I didn't know if he was still keeping up this "wife" routine, but I didn't think it was necessary to do it through text if he was.

"What are you doing up? I'm at breakfast." I texted back.

I waited a good five minutes for him to text me back, but he didn't. Instead, I saw him walking toward my booth with an oversized white T-shirt hanging off his shoulder with plaid blue pants.

"Morning chocobunny!"

"Hey, cut it out with the nicknames," I put whipped cream from my waffle at the tip of his nose. He chuckled and wiped it off with a napkin.

"Why are you up so early? It's only 7:30. You're a bed head, " he said.

"My alarm clock went off early and I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards. What's your story?"

"I was thinking about you,"he smiled at me.

I tried my best not to be affected by it. I looked left and right. "You know Julia's not here, right? You can drop the act."

"This is an early rehearsal. I need you to keep up the act today."

I rolled my eyes. He was always confusing me! 'He was supposed to tell me it wasn't an act,' I thought. "Sorry Tae. I already told Julia she didn't have to worry about us. I don't wanna create enemies."

"Don't worry too much. You playing along doesn't matter, as long as I flirt, she'll still be jealous."

"Yeah, and she'll still be all over my back trying to accuse me of lying."

"I mean, you did lie."


"Well in reality Ash, I actually do like you."

I froze for a second and tapped my fingers on the table. I was at a loss for words. I believed it, but I couldn't believe he'd actually said it.

"You do?"

He silently nodded with the sweetest smile. He held my tapping hand from across the table. "Don't think just because this is acting that I don't like you in that way. In reality, I'm just taking things slow with you. While when I'm acting, it's just over the top," he laughed."You understand?"

I nodded, failing to hide my smile. "I like you too."

"I know," he assured himself.

After we both ate, we went our separate ways. I did a lot of thinking in the shower. I thought about how risky liking someone from another country was. I thought about the fact that eventually, we'd have to part. I quickly erased the thoughts out of my mind and came to the conclusion that I was overanalyzing everything.

I finished getting ready around 9. I had time to spare, so I just sat back and turned my TV on, even though I wasn't paying attention with my headphones in. In the middle of one of my songs, I got a Facetime call from Hoseok.

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