Weakness for Passion

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I woke up at about 8:00 the next day. I unwrapped my scarf and took out my curlers. My hair was almost perfect. I finished my makeup early too. I didn't have to be at the school until 11:30, so I decided I'd go downstairs to have breakfast. I took my phone out and decided I'd call Tae since he told me he's usually up early on days we have class.

"Morning Tae," I said cheerfully.

"Hey Ash," he sounded kind of groggy.

"I'm sorry were you sleeping?"

"Nope, just lounging."

"Did you want to go get breakfast with me downstairs?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll be out in a minute."

I hung up and leaned on the outside of my door. I heard a door shut, and it was Tae. His hair was messy and his white T-shirt hung off of his shoulder a little. He was wearing sweats and black slippers. 'Damn,' i thought. I gulped a little. I was already attracted to him, but seeing him in the morning made him even more attractive for some reason.

He walked in front of me rubbing his eyes.

"You were totally asleep," I chuckled.

"Okay, you caught me. But I wasn't going to miss breakfast with you." I tried to hide my smile but failed. "You know what usually wakes me up though?"


"Exercise," he said picking me up by my legs and hanging me over his shoulder.

"Taehyung!! Put me down!" I continuously smacked his back to get him to put me down, but at the same time I couldn't stop laughing.

"You expect me to give up on exercise this early? I gotta get some walking done first."

He continued to carry me on his shoulder to the elevator. I was starting to lose my breath from laughing. He kept me on his shoulder until we heard the elevator ding. He put me down and we straightened out our clothes and bowed to the people coming off the elevator.

"Anneyonghaseo," we both said in unison.

Once the elevator closed we started laughing again. His smile was killer, especially when he smiled directly at me. We walked to the breakfast buffet, and I was glad to see we weren't the only two in our pajamas. After we got our food, we sat at a table for two right across from each other.

"So," I said cutting my waffle. "What do you think we'll do today in class?"

"I don't know," he said with his mouth full of waffle. I laughed at his muffled speech. "I think today's partner collaboration day."

"What's that?"

"We have a show at the end of next month. Each person is assigned a partner and will perform whatever they come up with as a team. You can sing, dance, act, play music, whatever."

"Is there a winner?"

"Yeah in each category. Technically, everybody in Mrs. Lee's class is a team. We're competing against other classes. So we're hoping a pair from our class will win in every category this year."

"That's pretty cool. I hope I get a good partner."

"Trust me. Whoever you get is a good partner. Our class is the top," he motioned his hand above his head.

I smiled. "I believe it. This is an annual thing?"

"Yep. Every year."

"What did you do last yea-"

"Ha! I knew you would try it."

I rolled my eyes and raised my voice. "Tell me what you do!!"

"You're cute when you're angry," he rested his chin on his hand and smiled at me.

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