Save Me

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I woke up the next morning feeling drowned in my emotions. A part of me held regret for kissing him, but the other half of me felt so RIGHT. I only hoped it wouldn't make things awkward between us. I brushed it off for the sake of a good morning and got ready to take myself out.

I sat on my bed fully dressed and looked at my travel guide. "Ooo a spa. I could use some relaxation." My phone beeped and I checked and saw a message from Tae.

"Good morningg. :) Are you still coming to dinner with us tonight?"

"You know it! See you then"

I turned my phone off. I wasn't intentionally trying to avoid him, I just needed time to myself to enjoy Seoul.  I went to the spa and got relief that was heaven-sent and well-needed. I did a little shopping and tried some unbelievably delicious snacks. After my eventful day in Seoul, I went back to the hotel to shower and take a nap before it was time for me to get ready.

It was nice to have a break after rehearsing so much, but my mind was focused on Taehyung. "Fuck it, I'm turning my phone on," I said. I reached and snatched my phone off of the charger and turned it on. "Three missed calls.. Taehyung, Taehyung, and Hoseok. I'll call Hoseok first." He answered quickly. "Hey, you called?" I said.

"Hey Ash. I was calling to see if you were still coming to dinner tonight."

"Does eveybody think I'm going to ditch or something?" I laughed.

"Nah," he chuckled. "Everybody just wants you there, you're great company and fun to be around."

His compliment took me by surprise. Not the compliment in itself, but the fact that it had come out of his mouth. Hoseok didn't give me compliments often. We maintained a back-and-forth teasing kind of game that became our friendship. "Is this still Hoseok I'm speaking too?"

"Funny. It's okay to say thanks."

I laughed. "Thanks Hoseok. I'll see you later." I hung up and called Taehyung right after. "Yo yo yo," I said.

"I was worried about you."

"What? Why?"

"Your phone hasn't been on all day."

"Oh, sorry. I did some tourist activities today, haha.

"I'm just glad you're okay. Did you have fun?"

"Yes! The spa was amazing. I've never witnessed such a perfect mix of pain and pleasure in my entire life."

"Not even when I bit your lip?"

I suddenly got chills. "Psht whaat! I- noo, because you didn't. I wa- you know-" I stopped talking and listened to him laugh. "What's so funny, huh?"

"You're so cute. Look, I don't want things to become awkward between us. I got caught up in the moment, I didn't mean to scare you off."

"That's the thing you didn't scare me off! I liked it, it's just.. maybe we should-"

"Slow things down and start saying goodbye with hugs for a while? Gotcha."

"You read my mind," I laughed. Knowing he understood how I felt without me having to explain felt like a breath of fresh air. "I'm gonna nap a little longer, talk to 'ya later champ."

"Alright, CB."

Taehyung, Hoseok, Jungkook and I met at Taeyhung's mother's restaurant around 8.  She had dinner prepared for us in advance, and a heck of a lot of it. We all thanked her and bowed in unison. She was the sweetest person I'd met since I had come to Korea.

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