Getting To Know You

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I got a ride from Tae to school the next morning. Thankfully, we both were able to look past what we had discussed the previous night. He was back to the sarcastic, know-it-all Taehyung I had met my first day in Korea.

We talked the entire ride to school and picked up Jungkook on the way. When we arrived at the school, we all received congratulations as we congratulated others on their placing in the performances. When class began, I sat next to Hoseok on the floor. Mrs. Lee began to tell us about the units we'd be covering for the first semester, and I began to get excited. We had guest choreographers (they were actually a couple) who came to teach us a group routine that we'd perform at the upcoming anniversary of the school. They informed us that some parts would be done with a member of the opposite sex and that we'd be better off dancing with someone we've worked with before. Since the performance was around the corner, they figured things would run more smoothly that way.

Hoseok and I looked at one another straight away. He winked at me and I laughed and gave him a thumbs up to assure him that we'd be partners.

"There's one more catch," the lady said. "We are doing an elimination dance, to pick the couples we want. We will pick four boys and four girls. So you better let your desired partner know to bring it."

Everyone began to point and tell their partners to be ready. Hoseok and I high fived one another.

"We got this," he assured me. I nodded back.

"If for some reason you do not want to participate, please step aside to either the right or the left side of the room please. "I spotted Taehyung walking over to the wall. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow, since he seemed to be the competitive type.

"Let's go Jungson!!" He screamed.

"Did he really just mix our last names together?" I laughed.

" For some reason, it doesn't surprise me," Hoseok chuckled.

"Alright alright!" The lady said silencing everyone's chatter. "Let's go through the basic steps for the audition."

We finished learning he routine in about 20 minutes. They told that if the song ends while they are still debating, that they would play it again and told us to keep dancing. They taped numbers to our shirts and told us to spread out.

The tension was rising as the music was bumping and numbers were being called.

"Number 209, step out please!"
"Number 206, step out!"

I felt a my heart jump a little when I heard the numbers that started with two. (I was 205). And finally, there was 8. Hoseok and I had made it!! "Woohoo!!" We hugged each other.

While the rest of the class stayed with Mrs. Lee, the eight of us went to the other dance room and began to learn the routine. After an hour or so, we covered half of the dance, and placement as well.

"Great job today," the lady waved at us.
"See you guys later, keep practicing," the man said closing the door behind him.

The rest of us stayed behind, drinking water, talking and chilling. My friend Jamie came up to me with a smirk on her face and nudged my arm. Jamie was half Caucasian and half Korean. She had wavy brown hair and was around the same height as me. She was one of the boldest people I'd ever met, but I loved that about her.

"What's that face for?" I laughed and nudged her back.

"You two aren't slick. You think I don't know?" She nudged my arm again and sat on the table in front of me.

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