Trouble With Tae

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I put my phone down and panicked for like a whole 5 seconds. I pulled myself together and picked my phone back up. I quickly began tapping all over the keyboard out of frustration.

"Fuck!" I shouted. As I was about to delete the gibberish I'd typed, I accidentally hit the send button. He just sent me a video of Hoseok and I grinding, and all I said back was "asddshgdjahu." I sighed heavily and decided to leave it as it was. My head was pounding and I couldn't think of a reply anyways. He opened it a minute later an replied..

'You must've had quite a bit to drink. We'll talk in the morning. Pick 'ya up around 9.'

 I sent him a "thumbs up" emoji back and slammed my pillow over my face to scream. I washed up and finally laid in bed. I was uncomfortable. I kept thinking about every possible way Taehyung would approach this situation and what I would say in my defense. All I could do was hope that he didn't feel too hurt.

I tossed and turned in my bed and kept replaying Hoseok's words to me in my head.

"I don't know what you two have going on, but it's a confirmed fact that I like you."

"Dammit Hoseok!" I yelled. "My feelings were already conflicted with one guy, now there's the two of them. Not to mention, they're best friends. This just doesn't feel right. Then again, there is a possibility Tae might still be in love with this other girl that's come into the picture.  Ughh, what do I do?" I clasped my hands together in a praying motion. "God give me a sign!!" I flopped on my back and shook my head. It took a little while, but I was eventually able to clear my head and got some rest.

I woke up the next morning at 8:30. I checked my phone, and I had a text from both Hoseok and Taehyung. Taehyung's text read:

"Wake up. I'll be there at nine sharp."

It wasn't as bright as Tae's usual texts, which bothered me. This was going to be an awkward day.

Hoseok's text read:

"Hey. Thanks for a good time last night."

I smiled and texted back immediately.

"No, thank you. Glad you got home safe."

I got out of bed and brushed my hair. I put on some grey sweats and a long sleeve white shirt, but I still looked somewhat presentable. (not) I heard a knock on my door at literally 9 o'clock sharp. I opened the door to his smiling face, but I can tell it wasn't genuine.

"Hey," I faked a smile back. "Come on in."

"Thanks," he closed the door behind him.

I sat on my bed and he sat on the couch across from me. "What's up?" I asked.

"Just wanted to talk, catch up with 'ya."

I chuckled. "We see each other almost everyday. What is there to catch up on?"

"Let's talk about our weekends so far?" He raised both of his eyebrows at me in a serious way.

"Okay. How's yours going?"

"Pretty decent. Helped my mom out at the restaurant last night."

"Nice. How's she doing?"

"She's doing really good, actually. Her business has been thriving lately. She said my face brings in more customers."

"Of course it does," I playfully rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "What about you pretty girl? How's your weekend so far?"

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