Meeting His Ex

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Taehyung and I talked a lot on the ride back. He had asked me about the little box that sat in my hands. I told him it was a gift someone had given me after the performance, and that the person didn't want me to open it yet. Thankfully, he didn't ask who it was from, he just nodded his head. I didn't know how he would react if I told him the box was from Hoseok, but at least I didn't lie to him.

When I got in the house, I sat on the bed and opened the box, it was a silver necklace with a star on the chain. A note fell on the floor as I was about to close the box. It read;

"You're a star in my eyes. I'm writing this note the night before the performance, just in case we don't make it, don't be discouraged. Wear this to remind you that you're a star regardless. If we did win, wear it anyway. I think it'll look pretty on you. ^-^ -Hoseok"

I couldn't help but to start smiling like a goofball. To think him and I started off so rough, and now he was giving me necklaces and writing cute notes. Although his gesture was sweet, I felt uneasy. I knew Taehyung had strong feelings for me, but I also knew Hoseok was beginning to have feelings for me. 'These boys are best friends.' I thought. I didn't want to come between their friendship. Although I liked them both, I decided at the time, it was best for me to just act neutral.

I sent a text to Hoseok before I went to bed; "Thanks for the necklace! It's beautiful. :)"

I didn't wait for him to reply because I was exhausted, and crashed. I woke up to a text from him that read; "Just like you. ;)" I wasn't sure how to respond, so I just left it alone.

After a lonely day in my apartment, I got a Facetime call from Hoseok. I was hesitant to answer, but I knew I couldn't ignore him, he was just too good of a friend to me.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hey Ash," he waved. "What'cha up to?"

"Absolutely nothing," I sighed. "The most I've done today was shower, sleep, and eat."

"Well, a long-time friend of mine and Tae's is in town today. Want to hang out with us?"

I felt kind of honored in a way. "Um, sure. Give me 30 minutes to get ready."

"Okay. Just because I know you I'll pick you up in 45."

I laughed. "Thanks Hoseok, see ya then."

I put on a little makeup and did my hair. I got dressed as if I were meeting the president, so I changed my bottoms to jeans instead of a skirt. When Hoseok arrived, he looked happy to see me. I sat down in the passenger seat, and he instantly laid his eyes on the necklace he had got me.

"I see you like your gift," he smiled.

"I love it," I smiled and held the star. "A gift from my friend Hoseok, always close to my heart," I winked at him. "Let's go!" He laughed and took off. "So, how did you guys meet this long-time friend?"

"Ah, we go way back. Before I moved, we were all in school together from fourth grade to our freshman year of high school. She and Taehyung dated until she left a couple of years after me. Tae and I reunited at this school and we haven't seen-"

"Woah woah WOAH.  Wait. She?"


"Sorry, for some reason I thought I was meeting I guy today," I laughed.

"Hm, you seem disappointed," he raised his eyebrows.

"No, I mean.. I don't know. I haven't really.. how can I say.. "hit it off" with females since I've been in Korea."

"Ji-hye is the nicest person you'll ever meet. No worries," he assured me.

It made me feel better that he said that, but I still felt uneasy. Hanging out with Taehyung's ex? The sound of that just made me nervous. I still had feelings for him, and I believe he felt the same. But when an ex-girlfriend shows up, everything is unpredictable.

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