3. For Sure

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    Emma sat at the small desk in the living room of her house. She looked up at the painting above her, remembering when Killian froze her with the squid ink. Emma had never thought it would come to that, but she hadn't thought that a lot of things that happened would happen. Namely, her pregnancy.

     Speaking of which, maybe she wasn't as sure as she thought. Camelot's methods of pregnancy testing weren't all that accurate. I'd better get an actual pregnancy test from this world, she thought.

      Emma snuck into the Shoppers Drug Mart in Storybrooke. Sure she had told her parents, Henry, and Regina, but Emma definitely did not want the rest of the town to know. That would be a great way for Killian to find out. "The whole bloody town knew before me?!" She imagined him saying.

Emma walked up the aisle with the pregnancy tests. She didn't want spend too much time there, so she just grabbed a bunch of tests and put then in a basket. Then she walked over to some other aisles and threw a bunch of random junk into her basket to cover the tests.

When she was purchasing her items at the till, the sales clerk scanned the pregnancy tests and looked up at Emma with wide eyes. Emma did not need this. Since she was still the Dark One, she erased the clerks memory of selling her the pregnancy tests and walked out of the drugstore.

    When Emma got home, she pulled out all the stuff she bought from Shoppers. She had actually bought a pack of Dora the Explorer Band-Aids. Seriously? That wasn't the only strange thing that she had purchased. In her shopping bag were three frozen pizzas, mascara, a knee brace, and a Barbie toothbrush. After sifting through all the odds and ends, she found her pregnancy tests. All seven of them. Emma snorted. She would definitely be sure. The Dark Swan grabbed the tests and headed upstairs to the bathroom.

    After doing what she needed to, she put all the tests upside down on the counter and set the timer on her iPhone for five minutes. She sat there waiting, tossing the box of Band-Aids from hand to hand.

    When the time was finally up, she flipped over each test with her eyes closed. She knew what they would all say, but she just wanted to be absolutely positive. Well, that was a stupid play on words, but you catch my drift. Emma slowly opened her eyes. She slowly scanned the tests. Two blue lines. Pregnant; five weeks. Pregnant. Two pink lines. One pink line. Pregnant. Two blue lines. Only one test was negative. She was absolutely sure that she was pregnant now. Emma knew she should go tell Killian and then maybe they could get the darkness out of both of them. But what if Killian reacted badly? Maybe should make a run for it- no. That was what old Emma did, and Emma was better than that now. She would go tell the other Dark One. It won't be easy, she thought as put on her coat and started to head out the door, but it's something I have to do.

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