18. And Life Goes On

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It had been five months since they Emma had found out that she was pregnant, five months since they had rescued Hook from the Underworld, and five months since Elizabeth had fallen to the depths of Hell. For once in Storybrooke, things were returning to normal.

"Henry! Hurry up! You're going to be late for school again." A six-months pregnant Emma waddled her way out of the kitchen and into the living room, grabbing her keys.

Henry ran down the stairs, his backpack slung over one shoulder. "I'm coming!"

"You've had-- what? Five tardies in only the first three weeks of ninth grade?" Emma blew a kiss to Killian who was attempting to wash up the last couple dishes after their breakfast of pancakes (with nutmeg, of course) and hot cocoa with cinnamon. "I'll be right back after I drop Henry off at school. See you later!"

Killian smiled. "See you later!"

"Bye, Killian," Henry said as he was walking out the door. "Oh, and for your information, Mom, I've only been late four times so far."

Emma followed him out the door. "Move it, or it will be five. I don't particularly enjoy it when your grandmother complains to me about your attendance."

She made her way down the front porch and out to the bug, before sliding into the driver's seat. Henry turned on the radio, and they drove off.


"What are we going to do about her darkness?" Killian said, running his hands through his hair, clearly stressed.

Emma left the book she was reading through and walked over to her husband. They had been going through the library for hours, attempting to find some solution to their whole debacle. She rested her head against his shoulder and said, "I'm not quite sure we should do anything at all. My parents took away my potential for darkness, and I still ended up the dark one." She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "What if trying to prevent her darkness just ensures it?"

Killian smiled weakly. "You're probably right, luv. You usually are."

"I know. We'll just have to raise her right."


Emma had expected that it would be difficult readjusting to life in Storybrooke wouldn't be easy, especially for Killian, but the two of them had slipped right back into their daily lives. The days included a bit of modification, of course, now that they were married and Emma was at the end of her second trimester.

When they had first gotten back, they had enjoyed a celebration at Granny's (which Killian had warned them against, as bad things always happened when the celebrated at Granny's). It had gone wonderfully though, with Emma and Killian telling the residents of Storybrooke the news of their marriage. They hadn't told them about Emma's pregnancy, but they figured it out soon enough.

Emma knew that Ruby, Snow, and Regina were throwing her a baby shower, because her mother had accidentally let it slip. They had been eating at Granny's when Ruby came up to them, and asked if she could talk to Snow in private. Emma had asked her mother about it when she returned to the table.

"What was that about?" she said, biting into an onion ring.

Snow slid back into her seat. "Ruby wanted to know if I was getting balloons."

Emma frowned. "What for?"

The ebony haired woman froze. "It's your father's birthday."

"No, it's not." Emma squinted at her mother. She didn't need her super power to tell her mother was lying.

Snow sighed, and looked around before leaning in. "The balloons are for a baby shower." Seeing Emma's face, she added, "Your baby shower."

"Woah, woah, mom, you don't need to do that," said Emma, putting her hands up slightly in defence.

"Emma! We want to!" Snow spoke in a hushed voice, but there was some exasperation. "Come on, please? I wasn't there for your wedding."

"Hey! That's not fair," she retorted. "And I told you we'd do a vow renewal, which I want you there for."

"When is that going to be?"

"After I have the baby," Emma answered, before getting Ruby's attention and asking her for something to take the onion rings home in. Seeing her mothers face, she sighed. "Fine. But only a few people."

Snow brightened up instantly. "Absolutely. Just Ruby, Regina, and I."

"Good." Emma dumped the leftover onion rings into a bag that Ruby had given her, and passed Ruby some cash. She checked her phone, a look of surprise coming over her face. "I'll see you later. Apparently Gold finally showed up back in town."

"Really?" Snow asked, rather shocked. "You'd better get going then. I've got some things I need to do." She smiled at Emma, who slid out of the booth. "I'll see you later."

Emma waved, before walking out the door, on her way to Gold's shop.

I'm sorry it's been so long. I feeling very interested in writing, but now I'm back.
Last weekend, I went to OUATVAN, which was absolutely AWESOME!! I got to take a picture with Jen, who is beautiful and super nice, and when they were doing the panel, I got to ask them a question. It was so great to make eye contact with and talk to my heroes. Jen even complimented me on the book I made to look like the storybook. It was so great, and I found it kind of funny that on the flight back the pilot's name was Colin, and one of the flight attendants name was Jennifer. It was sooo much fun!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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