5. Welcome to Storybrooke Underworld Edition

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"I'm going to scout our path," Emma said with a cheeky smile.
"And I'll go replenish our water supply," Killian said, smiling back, before walking off in the other direction.
Emma walked through the trees. She smiled to herself. Maybe both of them being the Dark Ones wouldn't be so bad.
"I wonder what would happen if the Dark Ones had a child," a voice said, alerting her. Emma spun around to see an apparition of Rumpelstiltskin behind her. Rumpelstiltskin morphed into Nimue. "I suppose I should speak for myself now, in case you suppose this is 'girl talk'."
Emma looked Nimue in the eye. "What are you talking about?" She asked.
Nimue continued. "Though I guess I won't have to wait long to find out." She saw Emma's confusion and smirked. "You're pregnant, Dark One."
Emma stumbled backwards. "No, no, you're lying," she said, trying to sound sure and failing miserably.
"Are you so confidant? All us unfortunates in your head had to put up with quite the show of love there," Nimue said with a snort.
The blonde blushed profusely. "Even if I was, how would you know?"
"Us inside your head know more about you than you think."
        Emma shivered. There was something creepy about a little voice in your head telling you that you're pregnant.
     "Mom, Mom, wake up!" Nimue said in an all too familiar voice.
      Emma opened her eyes and saw Henry standing over her. "We're here!" He said.
      The Saviour looked around. Sure enough, they weren't in that tunnel of never-ending darkness anymore. But whatever she expected the Underworld to be like, it wasn't this. The sky was blue, though it had some storm clouds to the east. There was a small town on the shore, with a building that looked like it was missing it's too half and cars upside down in the streets. Some buildings were charred, but still intact. It was a perfect vision of Storybrooke, but with some hellish differences.

       Alone on the shore, a little ways away from the town and with a beautiful view of the sea, sat a beautiful blue house. Emma's heart leaped. It was their house, their future. It was her and Killian's home by the sea.

      They were almost at the docks now, and Emma jumped out of the boat. The water was shallow from here on, so she ran all the way to the shore. She tore off her boots, still running and chucked them on the sand. Heels would only slow her. She ran, faster than ever before. She sprinted to the front gate of the house, internally laughing at the white picket fence. Emma rushed through the front yard and opened up the front door, not even bothering to knock. It was open, and she jumped right into the house. It was one of the only buildings in the underworld that wasn't in dire need of repair, and Emma looked around the beautiful promise that some called a house. Laying on the couch like Emma had only a day before, was a certain smouldering pirate with the ocean in his eyes.

"Killian," Emma breathed.

Killian sat up and saw his true love standing in front of the doorway. "Swan," he said in amazement.

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