14. Jail

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Emma leaned her head against the bars. Hades' prison was not unlike any jail she had been in before. She looked at the cell across from her, where Killian leaned against the back wall. There were likely about ten cells in the prison, five in a row, each with a cell across from it. Emma and Killian's cells were the only ones with the tiny little lightbulbs that hung above their heads aglow.

"Who else has joined me down here?" asked a voice that came from a cell three to cells to the right of Killian. It was a clearly masculine voice that seemed to have piqued Hook's interest, a look that was a cross between surprise, shock, and joy

Emma looked up. Anyone down here could pose a threat, and it was best to be at the ready. "Who's there?" she responded, not letting her guard down.

"Name's Liam Jones," he said, stepping out of the shadows.

"Liam?" said Killian, trying to see his brother in the other cell.

"Killian? Has my little brother finally caught up to me in the Underworld?"

Killian grinned. "Not quite. I was, but I have a family to raise, and I'd like to raise them back in Storybrooke."

"You have a family now?" Liam asked happily. "It took you quite a while to settle down." Seeing Emma, he added, "Who are you?"

Emma introduced herself. "Killian's told me all about you. It's good to finally meet you, though I wish it was under better circumstances." She gestured to the cells around them.

"Are you two together?" he asked.

"We are," Killian beamed.

"And you're expecting?"

"What?" Emma said, shocked. "Yes, but how do you know that?"

Liam chuckled. "What my brother said about raising a family, and the fact that you've had a hand over your abdomen this whole time."

The Saviour blushed, her cheeks a bright red colour. "Oh, um, that," she said, stumbling over her words as she realized what she had subconsciously been doing. "But I don't plan on giving birth in jail again, so we should probably try to find a way out of here. I could pick the lock, if I had something to pick it with..."

"Again?" Liam asked before noticing a piece of metal wire, almost like barbed wire, on the floor of his cell. "Would this work?"

"Definitely," Emma said as she reached through the bars and Liam tossed it into her hand. "And yes, again." She turned her attention to the lock and began to pick it. "It's all about the tumblers," she said, before hearing a click and opening the cell door. She quickly did the same thing for Killian and Liam. Soon, the three of them stood in the middle of the hallway, planning their escape.

"We still need the flame," said Killian.

"I'll grab it," Emma volunteered. "Liam, I'm assuming you know the way through The Underworld, back to the middle of town?"

"I do. If we head down the back of the mountain, we'll be able to go through the woods," he responded. "There's a magical wishing well in the forest. We'll be safe around it."

"Then that's our plan," Hook said. "Emma and I'll get the flame, then meet you at the wishing well."

"Until then, brother," Liam said, patting Killian on the back, as three of them crept out of the prison.

"Stay safe, Liam," Emma said.

"Until then," Killian said.

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