11. The Truth Never Hides Long

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Killian hit his palm against his forehead. "Bloody hell," he muttered.

Emma inhaled sharply. At that very moment Henry, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, and Robin came down the stairs, chattering away. They all went silent as they felt the tension in the room. "Is everything okay here?" Regina asked, the first to break the silence.

Milah cleared her throat. "I... don't know."

Elizabeth slowly sunk down in her chair in shock, her raven hair that had never looked more like Killian's than now falling in front of her eyes. She took a few shallow breathes. Elizabeth looked around the abandoned lobby, the only home she had had ever known. She could smell the same damp smell that she woke up to every day, and she could hear'raindrops outside. When had it started raining? Never mind. Elizabeth put her hand on the soft wood of the table she sat beside. She looked out towards the tarp that let in the cold and some of the rain. "You never told me... You never told me anything..."

The blonde saviour placed a hand over her hardly showing abdomen. Everything has changed, she thought. But she somewhat new what Milah felt like right now, having been through something similar herself. "Elizabeth, you should'n't be so hard on your mother. She did what's— I mean, I've been through something— You just shouldn't be so hard on her."

"I thought it would be better if maybe you didn't know," Milah said. " That way, you wouldn't get hurt."

Regina slowly sat down in one of the chairs. "So this might be a bad time, but how are we going to get home? There is also the issue of the dark baby."

Killian ignored Regina. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Milah started crying,tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry, but I didn't until I was dead! I had to raise my daughter in The Underworld! Can you understand how difficult that is?"

Everyone began to calm down, realizing it was not a good time for tension. Killian said, "You're right, I'm sorry."

"I wouldn't want to raise this one in The Underworld either," Emma said, gesturing to her stomach. "It's just that this sort of adds a lot of confusion to our already messed up lives."

"Speaking of raising babies in The Underworld," Mary Margaret said, "if we don't get home, that might be exactly what we have to do. And, David, how do we know that the fairies are taking good care of Neal?"

"You can't get home?" Milah said. "You're alive, that's what Elizabeth said, right? Because, if you are, there might be a way I can get you home. If any of you have magic, maybe you can bring Elizabeth and I home, too."

"That seems like the best plan," Henry said, finally entering the conversation. "But we do need to figure out what to do about the prophecy and the baby."

The heroes talked amongst themselves, determining the best plan of action. Finally, it was settled. Emma and Hook would make the trek up the Dark Mountains to find Hades. Legend told that Hades had a special flame that had the utmost power. It could be used almost as a "Get Out of The Underworld Free" card, which is why it was kept by Hades. They all decided that if Emma and Killian lived long enough to meet Hades and live to tell about, they would then determine what there next move was. The plan wasn't perfect, but it was all they had.

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