10. Morning Sickness and a Certain Girl

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Emma searched through the closet in the small apartment. Whoever used to live here definitely left in a rush. The tiny closet was filled with clothes, much to her surprise. The flaxen haired saviour pulled a simple, undecorated pair of jeans off of a hanger. The tops in the closet were much too frilly for her taste, so she began to walk over to a small dresser on the other side of the room. She only made it halfway there, before rushing into the little bathroom. Ugh, morning sickness.

After she finished puking in the bathroom, to which Killian slept soundly, she went back to the dresser. Above the dresser was a small mirror. Emma looked up from sifting through the drawers and saw her ragged appearance. Her blonde hair was matted and clung to her face with sweat, and her face had taken on quite the pallor. Emma looked away from the looking glass and turned her attention back to the clothes. At the bottom of the drawer, lay an ocean blue lace top. Sure, it wasn't something she'd normally wear, but she couldn't afford to be choosy in the Underworld. She put on the top, and she ran a hand through her hair in a vain attempt to smooth it. Emma wiped her hand across her sweaty brow. All of the sudden, Emma kicked the bureau in anguish. "I'll never get out of Hell," she said to no one in particular.

A voice from behind her alerted Emma,"Yes, you will. We will."

Emma turned around. Killian Jones stepped forward. His messy black hair hung in front of beautiful azure eyes. He walked towards Emma and pulled her in for a passionate kiss, before trailing kisses down her neck. Emma dried her eyes, though she didn't remember crying. Killian pulled away slightly. He looked Emma in the eye and tipped her chin up. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know if we'll ever get out of the Underworld. I don't want to raise a baby here, Killian! I hardly know how to raise a baby, let alone a baby in Hell!"

Killian held Emma against his chest. "Shh," he said, softly. "We have to go downstairs now, okay? We need to talk to Milah and Elizabeth, and everyone else you brought with you."

Emma nodded. She and Killian walked out the door, heading down the stairs to what would end in obvious chaos.

Milah faced Elizabeth, and though Emma could not see Milah's face, both women seeming angry about something. "I told you you had to work in the shop every night."

Elizabeth pouted. "But Mama, Jasmine doesn't have to work anywhere. Neither does Peter."

Milah's eyes went wide as saucers. "Your socializing with–"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Other Peter."

Emma decided to announce their presence, feeling awkward,"I hope we're not interrupting something important..."

Milah and Elizabeth turned around quickly. "Your no interrupting anything."

"Nothing, I swear."

Emma eyed them suspiciously. "Sure..." She said, before remembering why she came down here in the first place. "You said we should talk about everything," she gestured towards all them, "in the morning. Well, it's the morning. So we need to talk."

Milah looked as though she was debating something in her head. She looked towards the ground, before she spoke. "Killian, Elizabeth's your daughter."

Though Emma had already figured it out, she was still quite a bit shocked, to say the least. She knew that this would through a huge obstacle in her and Killian's relationship. But thankfully, she also knew that no matter what, they would figure it out.

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