9. Fire and Wreckage and Fear Oh My!

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Henry had walked ahead of the group the whole time. This was turning out to be an interesting trip so far, and he felt that he needed to prove himself. But, oh, how he missed Violet. Her dark hair, her chocolate coloured eyes, and her gentle nature.

"Hey, kid, you seem pretty wrapped up in your thoughts," Emma said, interrupting his train of thought. "What're you thinking about?"

Emma stood directly behind Henry, and was holding Killian's hook. Henry looked around. They were on a dark street, surrounded by rickety old buildings. Most of the buildings looked like apartment complexes. Many of them looked like they had been ablaze recently, and more still ablaze long ago. Henry took a deep breath, inhaling some of the smoke that clung to the air. He coughed a couple times before speaking. "I'm not thinking about anything, really."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Yeah right, but fine, be secretive."

"Do you miss anyone back in Storybrooke?" He asked.

"Hmm? No, not really. Everyone I would miss is right here." Emma responded, brushing her golden hair out of her eyes.

"That's it up there!" Elizabeth shouted from the behind Emma, pointing to one of the only intact buildings on the street. It was a tall apartment building covered with tarps flapping in the wind. Though parts of the building were singed, it still stood tall.

Elizabeth's windswept hair whipped her face as she ran towards the only home she had ever known. Her feet stomped the pavement. She took a flying leap onto the sidewalk, even though it was only an inch taller than the road. Elizabeth brushed the tarps that were a sad attempt at doors aside. She smiled upon seeing her mother, not bothering to check if the rest of the group had followed behind her.

Milah smiled and pulled her daughter in for a hug when she saw her. "Where were you, Elizabeth?"

"I found a few strangers in The Underworld. You wouldn't believe it! They're all living!"

A voice from behind Elizabeth was heard as the heroes minus one pushed back the tarp and walked into the abandoned lobby. "Yeah, we are. Elizabeth told us about a prophecy? About the child of good and evil?"

Milah's face darkened. "You told them about the prophec—"

A certain handsome pirate stepped from behind the tarp. Upon seeing the woman who had just been talking he paled. "Milah," he whispered.

Emma instinctively moved closer to Killian.

"Killian," Milah said in shock.

Regina rolled her eyes. "Okay, we've established that you two know each other. Now, back to the prophecy?"

"Regina, it's not as simple as that. Killian and Milah, they used to be lovers," Emma said.

Milah's eyes kept ping-ponging back between Killian and Elizabeth. "How are you here?"

"Like I said, Mama, they're from the land of the living," Elizabeth said, her face animated. "I'm the one who found them, you know. They would have been dead if it weren't for me. Eaten up by the blind witch or worse, their hearts stashed away in Cora's vault."

Sensing some tension, Mary Margaret spoke. "It's been a long day, and it's getting late. Is there somewhere we could spend the night, and deal with this in the morning?"

"Oh, sure," Milah said, yet her voice was filled with uncertainty. "Just head upstairs." She pointed in the direction of the stairway.

"Thank you," Emma said as everyone of the heroes walked up the stairs to find a room in the building to rest their heads for the night. Emma and Killian in one room, Robin and Regina in another, and Henry staying in a room with his grandparents. In Emma and Killian's room, the two laid in bed.

"Emma? You know I love you, right? That this doesn't change anything?"

"I do, and I love you too," she replied, though her face was etched with worry.

Sorry it took so long to get that chapter published but I hope you like it. Quick question, what are your thoughts on Elizabeth so far?
Thanks, Paris.

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