15. The Vows

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Emma's wavy blonde hair bobbed behind her as she searched Hades' area at the top of the mountain. The Lord of Death was nowhere to be found. Odd, she thought. The Saviour looked across to Killian, as he searched the other side of the room.

To Emma's shock, she heard a snore. Turning her head, she saw Hades draped across his throne like a sleeping child.

"Is he... asleep?" whispered Hook.

Emma crept up to the throne, holding her breath in an effort not to wake him. She leaned down towards him. "He is!" she whisper-shouted. "And look, the flame!"

Emma was right, the flame was a perfectly easy arm's length away, still in its crystal jar. She grabbed it, and with a signal to Killian, they both began their trek down the mountain.

Emma and Killian came to the last bit of slope on the mountain, a grassy slope that was nothing but steep in the area protected by the wishing well. They spotted Liam at the well, who waved to them with a smile.

The happiest she had been in weeks, Emma ran to hug her pirate. Killian placed a kiss on the top of her head, as a silent moment of love was shared.

They tripped and rolled down the hill together, giggling like schoolchildren. Emma felt the soft grass on her skin, smiling when she reached the bottom, landing on top of Killian.

Giddy with happiness, Emma placed a kiss on his lips as he tangled his hands in her hair. "Marry me, Killian!"

As they both realized what she had just said, Emma pulled them both up in a sitting position. "Yes," she said, feeling sure. "Will you marry me, Killian?"

Hook grinned. "Aren't I supposed to ask you that?" he laughed. "And yes, Emma I will marry you, whenever you like."

A coy smile playing on her lips, Emma turned to face Liam. "Are ship captains licensed to perform weddings?"

"I'd be happy to marry the two of you."

A bouquet of wild flowers in hand, Emma walked slowly up to the well, where Killian stood with Liam standing behind him. She wore her red leather jacket, her armour, but this time she wore it with a new meaning. To her, the  jacket was no longer a means of protecting herself, but a symbol of protecting her family: Henry, Killian, and, dark or not, this new child that she and Killian had created.

She arrived at the wishing well, Killian in complete awe. "Swan, you look stunning," he said.

Emma beamed, " I'm just wearing what I wear everyday."

"And still you are a vision."

Liam cleared his throat, smiling at the happy couple. "I have been with you two for not yet three hours and still I have been most fortunate to see the love that these to people share," he began. "I see how happy my little brother is, with the love of his life and a baby on the way. You may say your vows."

Killian brushed the soft hair out of Emma's eyes. "Emma Swan, from the moment I saw you, I thought you were beautiful. From the moment I met you, I knew you were clever and intelligent. And from the moment you left me on the beanstalk, I knew we had shared similar experiences that had toughened us and made us afraid to show vulnerability. Emma, I love you to the ends of every land that exists."

Blushing, with an ear-to-ear grin on her face, Emma began her vows. "Killian Jones, you saw my walls, and immediately knew that I needed someone to knock them down. At first, I refused to believe that I needed anyone, but that was never the truth. I need my parents, my son, and everyone else in my crazy, mixed up family. But most of all, I need you. Don't get me wrong, I can stand on my own, but you taught a broken soul to fly. I love you, Killian."

"Do you, Killian Jones, take Emma Swan, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," said Killian.

"And do you, Emma Swan, take Killian Jones, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," said Emma.

Liam looked at both of them, lost in each others eyes. "Do you have rings?"

Instantly, Emma made two simple gold bands appear, one for each of them. They slipped the bands on each others fingers, feeling love and happiness and excitement for the future.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

Killian dipped Emma, and the couple shared a passionate kiss next to the wishing well.

Hey guys! Here's some adorable fluff for you!
Well, it's been four months, but I hope you like this! And sorry if my writing isn't so good, it's the middle of summer vacation.
Thanks to all of you for 10k reads, even though I was inactive for a good chunk of them! I love all of you!

Sincerely, Paris

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