Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boypart20

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Chapter 20

Hey guys – sorry this has taken a little longer than I thought because I got flu, which turned into a chest infection and laryngitis. I’m pretty much better now but it put writing on hold for a while. :D

RECAP :…………………………………………………………………………..

“ Just so you know, now I’m goanna make you wet” Ari said, the playful glint in his eye and the sexy little smirk, filed the line with double meaning.

I laughed “ Oh yeah, well I’m going to make that pretty hard for you” I said before I pushed him backwards into the sea, causing a huge splash as he disappeared into the water.


Then I jumped in after him, and we spent the next hour having splash wars, trying to out do the other’s dives and having swimming races. He always won the races – I mean, he does have several inches on me as well as a whole lot of upper body muscle. I also tried not to check him out too often – which I probably failed at. However, I don’t think he would have won if it as a competition, either.

Then, when we deemed ourselves to have become like shrivelled up prunes from being in the water, we climbed out by the jetty and walked back to the picnic basket with our clothes, holding hands. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, I felt so happy. Ari made sure to text my mum twice to tell her ‘Hi, are at Blossom Hill visiting Grandpa Pete- safe n sound – c u at 8 for dinner’ so she wouldn’t worry out of her mind. We spent the rest of the hour or so eating the sweet picnic of fruit, lemon cheesecake and crisps that he stole from the kitchen and trying to make out shapes in the small wisps of cloud that floated over the horizon.

As we lay on the beach, side-by-side I checked my watch. 6:08 pm

We’d have to leave soon.

I turned my head to face Ari, lifting myself onto my elbow’s so I could see his face properly. He seemed to have dozed off in the afternoon sun.

The hazy burnt orange glow of the sun as it started to descend from the sky cast a warm glow over his features, his hair seemed to be more of a dark honey colour in the light and his regular breathing told me he was quite deep asleep. He looked so sweet when he was sleeping; I had the familiar feeling of not wanting to wake him.

I kind of wanted to, so he could watch the sea change as the sun set, but I knew I wouldn’t.

After all, he must have been a little jet lagged from flying back.

I felt a pang of guilt when I realised I really hadn’t given him any rest since he’d gotten back… he was probably really tired.

Sighing, I looked out onto the sea, which had taken on a darker green shade as the sky became a inky blue and light purple smudge. Where the light of the sun hit the waves, they took on a reflective quality, which made the water seem silver. I always loved the way the sea became so otherworldly just before the sun properly started setting.

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