Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boypart25

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Chapter 25


Ari glanced at me, confused “ Is this your Marilyn impression? You shouldn’t give up the day job.” But I could see he was amused, and by the slight clench of his jaw, that he kind of liked it.

I continued, ignoring him “ Now, that’s not nice. I’m single! Marry Meee Fooxxxyy!” I fake begged, seeing Ari grin at my piss take of the fan.

Aaron rolled his eyes at me, “ Maybe in a couple of year Marilyn. I got a really good offer back there. ”  He said smirking, and both of use burst into laughter again.

Who knew pranking a famous person would be so fun? And easy…


When we both stopped laughing, we settled into a companionable silence, the muted background noise of the radio burring softly.

The wind from my open window blew through my hair when I removed his cap, I’d placed it back on his head and I was now watching the view of the wide, LA roads.

It was one of those things we’d always been quite good at, being able to sit and not have to speak all the time, just have our own thoughts. I think it’s one of those rare talents that you can have – being able to understand the value of silence.

I think it’s also something you build with a person; you have to know them for a while for you to be able to just not speak contentedly.

No uncomfortable pauses or the need to fill up lulls in conversation with ungainly words that smash into the calm silence.

The afternoon sun was lowering, giving the streets a burnt orange glow that made shadows darker and the reflections from car and shop windows we passed gleamed.

I had absolutely no idea were we were, I’d spaced out for maybe fifteen minutes or so watching the passing scenery. Now we seemed to be in a quiet neighbourhood, but I was sure we’d gone up hill at some point, the air seemed fresher and had a slight crisp bite to it. I realised that the ground was no longer new motorway but an old cracked ground, slightly dusty. There weren’t many cars on the road anymore.

I turned to watch Ari as he drove, he was relaxed and obviously in his own world.

I couldn’t help but think he looked really sweet, with his baseball cap on. I’ve always thought baseball caps are actually a little dorky, and on Ari it’s no exception.

He’s just a really hot dork.

As he turned a corner, his muscles in his arm shifted as he turned the steering wheel.

Hmmm…how had I not noticed how muscular he was before?

He hadn’t put on that much muscle…

“ Hey, were nearly there. You can stop trying to stare me into telling you where I’m taking you. I won’t budge.” Ari said, smiling as he kept his eyes on the road.

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