Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywoods Golden boypart13

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Chapter 13

All Copyright Reserved – any breach of this is plagiarism.

(Hey sorry it’s taken me sooooo looonnngggg. I had flu and then a week later I got more flu! And an ear infection! Luckily, I’m better now but I swear I thought I was cursed or something – and right before Christmas aswell! I’m also revising for exams, so that’s why the chapters might be inconsistently uploaded- got to pass my exams!

But anyway, Thankyou for all your lovely comments that make me smile! I hope you all had great Christmassy Christmas full of cheer, and if I don’t end up uploading again until the New Year, HAPPY NEW YEAR, and  GOODBYE 2010!  Smile024 )


Isabels pov

Five seconds later, after I realised that Ari definitely topped on my very short history of kisses I was startled by the sound track for ‘Jaws’ cutting the silence of the room like a knife.

Why do we always seem to be interrupted?

Then again maybe it was a good thing, seeing as my brains seem to dribble out of my ears when we kiss and I loose all coherent thought. Strangely, this seems to coincide with him being topless.


Ari chuckled at how startled I was and pulled out of my arms, patting the back pockets of his jeans before fishing out his blackberry. Still standing on my bed, I stepped back slightly from the offending Item which was still blaring the chords that will forever be linked with sh#t scary sharks that eat you.

“Trust you to have that as your ring tone.” I murmured smiling at him; Ari has always had really tacky ring tones. Trust me when I say tacky.

This is a major improvement on some of the ones he’s had……

He gave me a quick apologetic look as he muttered, frustrated “My agent. Again.”

Putting the phone to his ear. Promptly putting an end to the dreadful music and answering the damn thing.

With the mood completely killed I jumped off my bed and began picking up my pillows, which we’d managed to throw across the room. One pillow had narrowly missed a framed picture of the both of us when we were fifteen on my wall, taken on my birthday. I was leaning in to blow out the candles on the cake, laughing and Ari was standing next to me smiling down at me. His sandy blonde hair was longer then, he’d had to grow it out to his shoulders to play a surfer in one of his films. I hung it up because it was a rare photo where I thought I looked semi decent standing next to him as the candles illuminated our happy faces. Then again, I’d gotten used to the fact that famous or not, Ari was always going to turn more heads in a crowd than I ever will a long time ago.

In Hollywood they call it Charisma or Stage presence.

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