Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boypart29

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Chapter 29



“ Ok, ready to meet my amigos Ellabear?” Ari asked in a very convincing fake Spanish accent and leant over to kiss me softly on the mouth as he stopped the car.

Damn him and his impressive acting skills.


As we both climbed out of the car I could hear the sound of some sort of bass music faintly from the huge, grand house in front of me. I could also hear a lot of whooping and laughter drifting from the back of the house over to where we were.

I stood, looking up at the large house; it was quite modern with huge windows that reflected in the late afternoon light and a ton of white wash. It was extravagant and it screamed money in a way that was quote intimidating. I couldn’t imagine what it would have cost Chase, what with it being right on the beach.

I glanced around at the cars lining the large drive, absentmindedly realising there were quite a few cars that looked like Ari’s , understatedly expensive. Others were more eyecatching; a bright yellow Lamborghini, a grey vintage Aston Martin, just to mention a few. In the corner of the drive I saw a black ducati motorbike leaning to one side of the driveway walls, looking cool in its isolation from the other cars. Whoever the owner was, they seemed to have purposefully parked further away from all the showy cars.

Ari walked round to where I was standing watching the house and slung his arm over my shoulder, walking me up the slate paved pathway towards the. “ Yeah, his taste in architecture is a bit full on, otherwise he’s one of the best guys you’ll ever meet. I just anted to warn you that he might be a little bit excited to meet -” but Ari never managed to finish his sentence because the front door crashed open in front of us to reveal a grinning guy looking down at us.

Boy, was he hot. Not as hot as Ari, but still totally hot.

Marissa would describe it as ‘hot in a surfer way’.  His dark shoulder length wavy hair looked like he’d just walked off a beach and his tanned, clear face like he spent most of his time relaxing on one. From the stories Ari had told me, they got up to loads of mischief in school and I could see his bright blue eyes held a daredevil look in them, just like they did on the magazine covers. He was wearing a grey and purple tie dye top that looked really good on him and some black board shorts with flip flops.

“ Fox! Did you hit my driveway interrrcooomm?!!??” he slurred the end with a grin.

Behind him was big and open plan, with light wooden floors, on one side there were some very comfy large black leather sofas facing a huge plasma TV on the wall that had on American football. I could hear a group of guys cheering on from the couch but all I could see was the back of their heads, then there was a huge staircase which two achingly cool girls were walking down behind him, both of them looked like supermodels. I mean seriously. There was a sleek granite and dark wood kitchen towards the back of the house that seemed to be crowded with other equally good looking people walking in and out laughing and chatting or huddled in groups, but my eyes focused subtly on the floor to ceiling window that faced the beach. All you would see from the kitchen area was blue, white frothy waves rolling in.

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