Chapter Thirty-Two

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This world was practically identical to my own, well minus technology, cars, and unfortunately some kind of equality among the civilians. Sure, my world wasn't perfect. There were race issues, poverty; big important issues, but it wasn't anything like this. The tavern Cain had taken to me our first night had been medieval; everywhere else was prehistoric.

Women were merely objects, traded and used - I found that strange considering among the Powers I'd never seen such a high level of respect between the sexes. Crime ruled the streets and the further you got from Olympus, the worse it became. Cain wasn't lying when he said the tavern was in one of the better parts of that area. No one seemed to care what went on, so long as it didn't affect them and the Powers were the worst for that attitude. They were the ones who could make a difference, but instead they flaunted their wealth and privilege by parading through the streets like royalty. My walk through town was eye opening and I was glad I decided to follow some of them when I saw them leaving.

Their headquarters was full of servants, some in much better condition than others, and as I practiced being invisible, I could see the hate in their eyes when ever they looked at any of my new 'friends'. Today, the big fire had the Others talking. They resented the Powers for not stopping it. People had died. Some made the bold declarations the Powers had caused it, but no one took if further than that.

Despite their bravado, they were plagued with a fear that had clearly been bred into them. Some talked about an uprising from years ago, which had some distancing themselves from their neighbors and even the ones to talked of it had a shaky edge to their tone. Zeus had acted hard and fast to stop any ideas from blossoming among the people. I'd never taken democracy for granted so much until now.

If Cain came to rule, he had to change this.

"I know what you're thinking." Logan, I mean Apollo, came to stand beside me as I dared to become visible again. "There was a time when the Others and Powers did live as one, but when they discovered how to kill the Eldest ones, the now Elders put an end it to it. To them, living like this is their punishment."

"Still doesn't seem fair."

"Nothing ever is." He said regretfully. "Come on, it's nearly time."

I only groaned. "I changed my mind. It's a stupid plan."

"Too late. Everyone is in position. They're just waiting for us now." Apollo smirked.

"Can't Cain just turn himself into you?"

"No." We moved back to the gardens of their palace and as his hand touched mine, I snatched it away. "So far, you're not selling it."

"It's a bit hard to do that when I hate you."

"I'm sorry okay? A million times over, I'm sorry!"

"I am too. For trusting you. For letting you in. For letting myself love you, and for agreeing to this stupid idea." I huffed.

"I knew you weren't listening. What were you thinking about?" He asked, clearly trying to just keep some conversation going.

"The different ways I could kill you."

Apollo sighed, and as we walked from the shade into the sun, the light had his dark blonde hair lighting up. Each strand seemed to shine as though pure gold and I hated that in his real form, he was even more attractive.

Too bad he was rotten inside.

"You don't really want to do that." He sounded so sure. "You would have tried already if you did."

"Well, that would make this stupid plan a little hard wouldn't it?" I snapped.

"You don't like this plan enough to care."

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