<3> Bipolar Much?

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Annabeth could barely hold back her excitement to see the boy back from the dead.

Leo put his sunglasses that he was wearing on his head of curly hair before Piper tackled him into a hug Jason giving then some space.

"Oh my Leo." Piper cried until Leo's shoulder was completely drenched.

"Hey Pipes." he hugged her back not minding her tears. "I missed you too." Leo sighed closing his eyes.

Then Piper pulled away and smacked him across the face. "How dare you stay dead for so long!" she yelled as Leo rubbed his now red cheek while glancing up at the girl who was on top of Festus.

"Look, it wasn't my choice." Leo said and Piper sighed still looking angry.

"Fine, I forgive you." Piper crossed her arms angrily, sticking her nose up making Leo laugh.

"Come here!" Jason said holding his arms out wide before giving Leo the biggest hug ever, but it looked like Leo didn't mind that much.

Then Annabeth heard a sob.

"Are-" Leo pulled away and looked at Jason "are you crying?"

"No," Jason wiped his nose "I've just got allergies." he sniffed dramatically smiling at Leo who was smiling back.

Then she slid off the dragon right beside Leo.

"Hi, my names Calypso since Leo is too shy to introduce me." she waved and Leo pouted crossing his arms but Annabeth could tell he was extremely happy.

"Hi Calypso." Piper gave her a hug while smirking slyly at Leo who was shaking his head at her his eyes squinted.

They pulled away and Calypso looked Annabeth's way before gasping making Percy tense.

"Percy..." the words left her mouth and Percy smiled at her "hey Calypso." Percy waved and Calypso ran over before grabbing him and kissing him smack dab on the lips.

Annabeth tensed, her hands turned into fists and one was hovering towards her dagger.

Leo was acting angry too, he had his nostrils flared and his finger tips were smoldering.

Before Annabeth grabbed her dagger he noticed what she was doing. She stopped and folded her hands over the other in fear of her reflexes.

They pulled away Percy looking surprised and Calypso looking angry.

"I hate you." she said before marching off pulling Leo with her.

Percy wiped his lips and looked at Annabeth "sorry?" he apologized uncertain.

Annabeth smiled and waved him off her left hand resting in her daggers hilt.

Percy smiled and went to talk with the others leaving Annabeth to drown in her own thoughts.

So she quickly slipped away from her friends and went to her cabin.

She shut the door to her cabin and grabbed her headphones.

She sniffled untangling the wires. They were so tangled. HOW WERE THEY SO TANGLED!?

Annabeth thought about her reflexes to grab her dagger. What could she of possible done with it? Stabbed Calypso? No of course not.

Talk about jealousy.

When Annabeth finally untangled the headphones she sat in her bed while putting them in.

She chose a Endlessly by The Cab.

There's a shop down the street where they sell plastic rings for a quarter a piece, I swear it.

Yeah I know that it's cheap not like gold in your dreams, but I hope that you'll still wear it...

Yeah the ink may stain my skin, and my jeans may all be ripped.

I'm not perfect.

But I swear I'm perfect for you.

Annabeth mouthed the words of the song from the beginning imagining singing out loud.

She let a tear stream down her cheek letting her emotions out in the song lyrics.

This was one of the songs she found watching random youtube videos and the video popped up and she watched it and fell in love with the song.

Most of the songs Annabeth listened to meant something to her, it wasn't just the beat she liked, (though she did enjoy it) it was the lyrics she fell in love with.

Then Annabeth felt someone tap her to get her attention.

She pulled out her headphones and looked over to see her friend Rachel.

Annabeth gasped and gave Rachel a hug since she hadn't seen her in a while.

They pulled away and Annabeth shut off her music before grabbing her little notebook beside her bed where she wrote what she needed to say.

She handed the notebook to Rachel and she laughed "I'm just having a vacation from Tyson and his girlfriend Ella."

Annabeth snickered at Rachel's words and Rachel nodded.

"But I came to ask how you were feeling." Suddenly the good mood seemed to disappear.

No! Good mood come back!

"I saw the whole thing." Rachel said before explaining the whole thing with Calypso and Percy all over again.

"How are you holding up?"

You see Rachel knew about Annabeth's feelings for Percy.

After the war with Kronos and after Rachel was made Oracle and not allowed to date, Annabeth told her about her feelings for Percy.

When Rachel understood Annabeth's feelings to a T they became closer friends.

Annabeth wrote 'ok' on the notebook before handing it to Rachel.

"Yeah right." Rachel aggressively handed the notebook back to Annabeth.

Annabeth opened her mouth and Rachel just glared making Annabeth shut her mouth.

Then she sighed and scribbled down a confession on her notebook.

It read ' I don't know how to feel, I just feel sad.' It probably wasn't spelled all correctly dew to her dyslexia.

"I don't know how to help you then Annabeth." Rachel said gently handing the notebook back to Annabeth sighing.

Annabeth nodded putting her notebook away and laying down on her back.

There was a long silence between the 2 friends as they pondered over the situation.

"Maybe you should just tell him how you feel."

With Rachel's words Annabeth sat up faster than a speeding bullet hurting her head on the bunk on top of hers.

Ow. Annabeth mouthed rubbing the top of her head.

Then Annabeth lightly bit the inside of her cheek before standing.

"So are you gonna tell him?" Rachel got up from her seat on Annabeth's bed with a glint in her eyes.

Annabeth glared daggers at Rachel and shook her head 'no' making Rachel sigh.

"Fine," Rachel started walking towards the exit "but don't say I didn't try to help you." Rachel said before walking out of Annabeth's cabin.

Annabeth sighed and fell back onto her bed before rubbing her eyes.

She was so tired of hiding her feelings.

But she couldn't tell him.

She physically couldn't.


This chapter took me DAYS to write.

Seriously though...

Silent readers DON'T be silent!
Go CRAZY in the comment section!


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