I Hope You Enjoy Dis My Peoples.

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Percy was nervous, and he knew he had a reason to be.

He was going to ask the 2 people who both wanted to kill him for their daughters hand in marriage.

Yep, piece of cake.

First was the mortal. Yep, hardest last.

He knocked and after a moment Mr. Chase opened the door.

"Percy, come in." Percy nodded and went inside where they sat in the living room and starred at each other.

For like, over a minute.


Percy cleared his throat seeing Mr. Chase didn't look too happy today.

"Umm, so how's it going?" Percy started off smooth so at least he got to Olympus to even ask Athena the question.

"Good good." Mr. Chase leaned back on the couch his arms spread out over the back.

"Yeah, umm." Percy was internally panicking.

What was he gonna say?

Was he gonna sugar coat it? Or get straight to the point?

"Uh-..." Percy looked into Mr. Chases eyes and suddenly he felt mute.

He kept opening and closing his mouth but nothing came out except a little unmanly whimper which Percy wished he could take back.

"Come on, spit it out."

Percy took in a deep breath before slapping himself.

"Ok, I can talk wow cool- ok!" Percy clapped once.

"I kinda wanna, kinda, umm, you know, Annabeth." That's the moment Percy was waiting for Mr. Chase to exclaim you wanna marry my daughter!? But he looked like he wasn't in the know.

"You want to what my daughter?" He asked raising an eyebrow accusingly.

"Marry- marry. I want to marry your daughter." Percy closed his eyes as if waiting for impact.

"Fine." Percy opened his eyes surprised.

"Really?" Percy asked.

Mr. Chase glared "Don't push it, I was gonna say no but-"

"No." Percy interrupted before chuckling nervously. "I like the first answer."

Then they both stood up and Percy was getting ready to leave.

"Invite me to the wedding?"

Percy looked back. "Wouldn't dream of not inviting you."

Percy smiled and waved before getting a taxi and driving to the Empire State Building.

Just getting in the elevator made Percy's spine tingle from nervousness and excitement knowing he was 1 word away from being able to marry Annabeth.

The door opened to the 600th floor and Percy gulped before heading in knowing Athena was waiting for him because he had set up a meeting.

He walked into the throne room and saw Athena casually sitting on her throne looking forward in thinking mode like Annabeth would do.

After a few minutes of going unnoticed Percy cleared his throat and spoke her name.

She glared and the sound of a book shutting sounded from somewhere in the room.

"How dare you interrupt my reading." She glared down at Percy making him feel like a tiny ant.

Ok, maybe Annabeth did go into thinking mode like her mother but he was sure she didn't read invisible books.


"Umm, what were you reading?" Percy asked nervously.

"A book in Europe about the renaissance." She said. "You know I can read a book without being near it."

Percy nodded. "That's cool."

Athena smiled looking forward again.

Then her face hardened and she pointed her dagger grey eyes at what Percy thought was his soul.

"You came here to ask me a question." She slid off her throne. "A very important question."

She then shrunk to human size and Percy realized where Annabeth's beauty came from.

Athena had her curly brown hair roll down her stopping at her lower back, she had pink colored lips but her eyes stayed the same, harsh but beautiful at the same time.

She had on a long dress that was floor length. It was grey and navy blue. It was form fitting and made Percy think things.

"You came about my daughter." Then she looked Percy straight in the eyes right in front of him being his exact height.

Percy gulped his heart beat speeding up to about a thousand miles an hour.

"Yeah," Percy gulped "about Annabeth." Percy looked down and saw her low it top making it really hard to keep his mind on Annabeth.

Percy starred for a moment letting his mind run wild until he shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Yes, Annabeth your beautiful daughter that I love so dearly. Yes, I wanted to ask you the most important question any man could ask."

"Go on." Athena spoke Percy's eyes still closed.

"Well, I wanted to ask if I could marry her. Spend the rest of my time on earth focussing it on her." Percy said and he felt a hand be put on his waist.

His eyes shot open and he saw Athena up closely.

She was pressed up against him trailing her hand up and down the part of his chest she wasn't pressed upon.

Kiss her.


Kiss her!

Are you crazy?

Well I am part of your thought process aren't I?

Percy felt like kissing her but he pushed her away.

"Is that a yes or a no!?"

Athena looked mad but then she smiled.

"Yes." She said before turning to jeans and a white t-shirt with her hair in a pony tail.

"Only because now I know you will not compromise. Your only love is for her."

Percy smiled and nodded.

Then they talked Athena telling Percy that thought inside his head to kiss her was Aphrodite as she showed him the way out of Olympus.

Finally at the elevator they stopped and Percy couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Well at least I know where your daughter gets her sexiness."

Athena nodded then stopped.

"What did you say?" She said glaring at him.

"Gotta go! Bye!" The elevator doors shut right after he got punched in the forehead.

He slumped back and slid down the back of the elevator to the floor.


But he smiled, knowing he had passed the test and he was going to marry the love of his life.


*fake clapping noises inside my head*

Thank you. Thank you. *bows*

Ok! I hope you enjoyed!

Yeah... Kinda had a differ met plan for the Athena asking scene but this came to mind when I wa a writing and I was like "coooool."

Then I wrote like a crazy person.

Well, I would know since I'm a crazy person.

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