<13> Captain Obvious To The Rescue.

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Annabeth woke up to the sound of her Dad's voice.

But it wasn't calm like usual.

Here's what he said.

"Get your hands off my daughter!"

Percy and Annabeth jumped awake to see Mr. Chase with a metal baseball bat.

"Wh- ahhhh!" Percy jumped over the back of the couch.

Percy looked her Dad in the eyes and Mr. Chase looked right back the metal bat ready to hit Percy.

"Whoa! My name's Percy, I'm Annabeth's friend." Percy said holding his hands up as if he were caught by the police.

Mr. Chase looked down at Annabeth who sat still on the couch.

Annabeth nodded quickly and urgently.

Mr. Chase sighed and lowered the bat.

Annabeth let out a sigh of relief and ran to grab her notebook and pen to explain what was going on.

She wrote down that Percy was a friend and refreshed her Dad's memory that he had met him before.

"Ok." He said sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, nice to re-meet you." Percy shook Mr. Chase's hand.

Mr. Chase nodded before clearing his throat.

"So straight to the point," Mr. Chase glanced between Annabeth and Percy making her nervous. "what interest do you have in my daughter?"

"Wha- interests?" Percy put his hand on his chin and looked at the ceiling in thinking mode.

"Interests did you say?" He asked looking at Mr. Chase now.

"Yes." Mr. Chase said like he was talking to a pre-schooler.

"Interests." Percy shifted crossing his legs. "Interests." he whispered his hand back on his chin.

"Well, I kinda-"

"No, you may not marry her!" Mr. Chase explained standing up.

Percy and Annabeth both paled before they both started blushing.

"No! I don't want to marry her." he blushed more before whispering something to himself.

"Oh, I apologize." Mr. Chase said before there was a long silence.

"Anyone want some coffee?" Mr. Chase asked and Percy shook his head.

"Yes, Coffee sounds good." Percy said.

Annabeth's Dad was about to go make it but Annabeth stood and went and made the coffee for the guys as they talked.

She put the coffee on and got their cups out.

Then when she was done, feeling crushed she leaned on the counter.

She should know he wouldn't want her.

If he did he would've already showed his affection towards her.

But Annabeth still felt hurt even though she knew she shouldn't.

She knew she shouldn't feel hurt.

But she did.

The coffee finished brewing and she poured them cups before taking them out with some creamer because she knew her Dad liked creamer.

"Thank you Annabeth." her Dad said taking the coffee along with the creamer.

"Thanks." Percy said before sipping his a little bit of a sad look on his face.

Annabeth faked a smile and sat down next to her Dad as the boys talked.

They talked and talked until noon so they went and got lunch together.

"McDonald's?" Both of them nodded at her Dad's words.

"Ok, let's go in." Mr. Chase and Percy were about to leave but Annabeth stopped them before making her Dad read that she wanted to talk with Percy alone.

So they both told him what they wanted before he left them alone in the car.

Annabeth wrote on her note pad before handing it back to the backseat for Percy to read.

"I feel shame," Percy read aloud "though I know I did nothing I still feel shame in your presence, and I don't know what to do about it."

Percy sighed.

"You're talking about the mother and father incident right?" Annabeth nodded at Percy's word and Percy let out another big breath running a hand through his messy black hair.

"I don't know, the camp thinks we did something bad,-" Annabeth winced blushing "-but we're innocent." Percy said and Annabeth nodded.

Annabeth stole the notebook back and scribbled down more.

"So how do we tell them we're clean?" Percy chuckled before scratching his ear.

"Nice way to word it." He said smiling and Annabeth gasped before smacking him making him laugh.

"Ok, fine. I'm sorry." Percy apologized and Annabeth felt like she really wanted to kiss him right then and there.

But then again she usually felt like that.

"Well, they've had it in their heads that we have been married for a month now so it'll be hard to convince them otherwise." Percy chuckled and shook his head a smile on his face.

Annabeth held a straight face, but was a blushing mess as he talked.

"So we convince them." Percy said and Annabeth felt like saying: Thank you Captain Obvious.

But since she was mute she only rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"How, about we spend time away from each other, -say a week or so- then one night at the campfire we'll tell them that we did no such things Elijah accused us of..." Percy trailed off looking at the floor of the car.

"Then we make a public example of the little twerp for lying."

Those were the words Annabeth had been waiting for.

"Well, technically he wasn't lying, we did technically sleep together just not what they think."

Annabeth glared back at Percy and he put up his hands in surrender.

"Alright- fine!"

Just then Mr. Chase opened the car door and handed the food to Percy before getting in and starting the car.

"Oooh! Food." Percy put his hand in the bag in search for his food as they drove.

So they had a plan.

All Annabeth needed to do was leave her Dad, go back to Camp-Half-Blood, and avoid Percy for over a week.

But she had no idea how she could leave and ignore the 2 people she loved the most.


Next Chapter!


I already decided the chapter title he-he.

Silent readers DON'T be silent!
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