<10> Dang My Siblings.

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They went to the restaurant which Elijah said was a burger place because Annabeth couldn't read it.

Dang her dyslexia.

They sat down and ordered with the help of people who didn't have dyslexia.

Soon they had their food and were talking.

"So how's life?" Percy asked a mouth full of burger.

"Good." Carter said explaining their stories and Sadie chiming in occasionally.

"Ebony's our new initiate." Sadie said referencing to Ebony who was laughing along with Elijah at their side of the table.

"Yeah, you could say the same of Elijah. We're training him." Percy said proudly though they were doing no such thing.

They had just brought him along on their adventure cause he begged them too.

She guessed they had taught him some things on their little adventure.

They finished their meal and went to the park to finish off the night.

Percy talked with the Kanes as Elijah and Ebony walked ahead talking amongst themselves.

Annabeth just watched, wondering what was going on inside the 13 and 14 year olds head's.

Then Ebony saw a fence with a horse standing behind it just sticking it's head over the fence watching what was going on.

Ebony walked up to it and started petting it's nose making it nicker and rub against her a smile forming on her lips.

"Uhh, who's horse is that?" Sadie asked and Ebony shrugged her shoulders at Sadie's question.

"I have no idea." Ebony said and Sadie sighed before they all continued walking on Ebony soon following them to resume talking with E.

Annabeth shook her head and rolled her eyes at the two.

But soon it was time to part.

"See you again, I hope." Carter said and Ebony nodded as she stood behind him a little blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Bye Ebony." E said waving awkwardly to them.

"Bye E." he waved smiling a bit before they all exchanged hugs and headed back to their car.

"How will they get back?" Elijah asked.

"They are magicians, they almost always have a way." Percy said and Annabeth nodded in the passengers seat.

Then E nodded and Percy started the long drive back to Camp.

Soon Elijah was asleep and it was just Percy and Annabeth awake.

The cars going by, the lights, just made Annabeth sleepy.

"Hey Annabeth?"

Darn him. She was about to fall asleep.

She looked over and nodded telling him she could hear him.

"I'm sorry, I told you I couldn't be brave around you and it was wrong..."

Annabeth recalled what he said and nodded.

Quite honestly she hadn't thought about it that much.

"It's just there's something I need to tell you I just can't find a way to tell you..." Percy sighed.

Annabeth nodded again understanding his situation.

Then Percy glanced over and smiled in compassion.

"You look tired, get some rest."

Annabeth nodded before closing her eyes and drifting into a dreamless sleep.


Annabeth woke up in her cabin bunk like usual.

She sighed and got out of bed before going to the bathroom.

She brushed her teeth and hair before remembering collage.

She didn't go.

She couldn't.

So Percy made a promise to stay at camp with her.

He was so sweet sometimes.

Annabeth got dressed and went outside where she saw everyone else eating and talking.

They let her sleep in.

She smiled and grabbed some food before sitting down at her table and digging in.

"We had soooo much fun! We fought monsters and ate with magicians!" Elijah was telling about their trip.

Annabeth shook her head.

"Oh yeah, and Percy and Annabeth got married and slept together." Annabeth almost choked on her food.

She glared over at Elijah and all the over Athena kids made an oooooooh sound.

"What?" he asked oblivious though the evil glint in his eyes suggested otherwise.

Then Annabeth held up her dagger pointed towards him giving him a cold stare.

Elijah gulped glancing from her stormy grey eyes to her very sharp dagger which she could easily lodge into his throat at a simple flick of the wrist.

But before he could tell what really happened someone walked over.

"Sup guys." Percy sat down beside Annabeth making her face a dark shade of red

The Athena children ignored him and gave Annabeth goofy grins and smirks making her blush even more.

"Hello?" Percy asked and Ananbeth put her dagger away after waving it around a little awaking her siblings up to reality again.

"Oh! Hey Percy!" Malcolm greeted and Percy waved.

"So what are you guys up to today?" he asked glancing at Chiron who was occupied at the moment with scolding the Stolls for putting maple syrup on Katie's seat making her look like she had an accident.

"Just teasing Annabeth." Elijah replied happily.

Annabeth glared and Percy moved closer to her their legs pressing up against each other's him leaning towards her siblings because he was on the edge of the bench right beside Ananbeth.

Percy whispered as if she couldn't hear. "Sounds fun, what're you teasing Annabeth about?"

Annabeth paled and started giving her half-siblings signals not to answer.

"Just about how you got married and slept together." Brinley who was 10 smiled innocently not knowing what that meant.

Percy blushed and Annabeth fell back onto the ground on her back hitting the grass her feet propped up into the air the back of her upper legs up against the bench.

"Annabeth!" Elijah yelled with concern and she winced knowing Chiron was probably looking over at their table now. Gee thanks E.

"Percy? What are you doing at their table?" Ananbeth heard the hoofbeats on the ground and she knew it was Chiron.

As he came over Annabeth put her legs down and just laid on the ground.

"N-nothing." Percy said a blushing mess as he looked at Chiron who looked down at him glancing at Annabeth who was currently laying on the ground wondering why she was ever born.

Percy was in BIG trouble that's for sure.

They both were.


My phone is acting up and saying it has no storage so it works soooooooo slow and when I type sentences, it doesn't catch up until after I'm done typing them...

Silent readers DON'T be silent!
Go CRAZY in the comment section!


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