<16> Stalker Alert!

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From then on Annabeth at every campfire sang the loudest and most obnoxiously.

Whenever she could put her opinion or add a snarky comment she would.

She was so happy she had her voice back.

But she was also glad to have her Percy.

They spent every waking minute with each other that was allowed.

But today Percy kissed her forehead and told her had to run an errand.

It had only been a month since they had gotten together so she shouldn't still be this clingy but she was.

"Where are you going?" Annabeth asked looking up at him because she was sitting and he was standing.

Percy smiled in sympathy his hand in his pocket fingering something.

"I'll be back."

Annabeth was still curious.

Percy sighed and gave her a nice long kiss before looking her in the eyes and swearing on river Styx he would return to her.

She let out a big sigh of relief and kissed him before he went off.

He waved to her on Camp-Half-Blood hill before walking down the other side out of sight.

Annabeth started panicking and needed counseling.

"Piper!" She banged on the Aphrodite cabin door yelling her name several times.

Finally the door opened and revealed a messy haired tired Piper.

Uh-oh, it was her week wasn't it.

"Is Jason in New Rome for the week?" Annabeth asked and Piper nodded before inviting Annabeth in the cabin where girls were doing hair and make-up instead of learning fighting skills.

Piper fell back onto her bunk groaning.

"I miss him so much and I know I shouldn't- I just need help." Piper complained stuffing her face into her pillow.

Annabeth was in the exact situation.

She just was hoping Percy wasn't gonna be gone a week.

"Yeah, Percy left today to go on an errand or something." Annabeth sat at the foot of her bed noticing other Aphrodite children pausing to listen.

"I'm nervous, and I know I shouldn't be. But I have the weirdest feeling he's up to something." Piper nodded sitting up.

"Hey, I have chocolate in my cabin. We can go talk in there instead." Piper smiled at Annabeth's idea before they went to Annabeth's cabin to talk about girly stuff.

• • •

Percy came back a few days later looking tired and he had a big bruise on his forehead.


Annabeth ran to him and gave him a kiss making him smile tiredly.

"Hey Wisegirl." he said and Annabeth smiled in sympathy.

"What happened?" She asked as they walked and Percy cleared his throat.

"I can't tell you." Percy said and Annabeth gave him a look.

"Yet." He added.

"I just need some rest." Percy said and Annabeth let him go to his cabin where she could stalk him.

But she would never do that.


* * *

The next night Annabeth got in all black and went to spy on Percy's cabin.

"Annabeth." Elijah whispered and Annabeth almost jumped out of her shoes.

"Where are you going?" he asked and Annabeth mumbled where but low enough he couldn't hear.


"Out!" She whispered harshly.

"Now go back to bed." Annabeth ordered.

"Or what?" Elijah said and Annabeth smirked.

"Or I'll tell the Hecate cabin to put a curse on you so any book that you try to read you won't be able to touch because it will run away from you."

"You wouldn't."

"I would."

E slumped his shoulders and went back to bed.

"Not a word to anyone." Annabeth said and he nodded laying down.

Annabeth got outside and sighed.

She ran to Percy's cabin and peeked inside the windows.

She saw him walking back and forth talking but she couldn't her hat he was saying.

He kept talking with his hands and that was cute.

But it looked like he was reciting something.

Annabeth didn't know what but she knew he was reciting something.

This continued till really late.

Then Percy turned his back to the window he had no idea Annabeth was spying in and pulled his t-shirt off.

Annabeth was about to look away for the sake of her eyes but she saw he was just changing into his sleeping shirt.

She sighed and he turned off his lamp before going to bed.

Annabeth was curious.

Very curious.

So on her way back to her cabin she had decided to ask Percy about it.

She was gonna get to the bottom of the mystery like Scooby Doo and Shaggy.


The next chapter will kill your feels.

Trust meh.

Silent readers DON'T be silent!
Go CRAZY in the comment section!


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