<11> I'm Pushed To My Last Resort.

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Annabeth was blushing as Percy sat there stuttering as he looked at Chiron.

"Uhh-I'm-umm..." he kept stuttering and Annabeth put her face in her hands from embarassment.

The whole camp was looking and listening as Chiron interrigated the 2 teenagers.

"What were you talking about then?" Annabeth wanted to die at Chiron's words.

"Ahh-umm- nothing! Nothing at all!" Percy chuckled nervously.

Chiron then turned to the Athena kids for an answer making Annabeth and Percy give them signals to not say anything.

"Percy and Annabeth slept together."

Cute, innocent Brinley just became Annabeth's rival.

Annabeth looked up and wondered really mother? You had to go and have her didn't you?

All the campers gasped and started murmuring amongst themselves which some of it Annabeth heard, and by Percy's expression he heard it too.

"Wow, never thought they'd get together."

"I am speechless."

"Then why are you talking?"

"YES! Finally!"

The last one made the pair blush even more as Chiron starred down at them a little angry.

"The Bighouse." was all Chiron said and Annabeth knew what he meant.

So Percy and Annabeth stood and made their way to the Bighouse a glaring centaur following them.

They went inside and Chiron closed the door before turning to the teens.

"Is what I heard true?" He asked looking at them both but mostly Percy and Annabeth knew why.

Chiron knew it was Percy's responsability to protect her but it took 2 people for the action that they  had never done.

"No, sir, we did no such things. I swear on river Styx."

Chiron nodded and left the Bighouse before returning with Elijah.

"Tell us what happened. Leave nothing out." Chiron demaned before E sighed and quickly explained everything about the trip.

"So... Yeah, they did technically sleep together but not the way you would think at first. They never married either. Just playing roles like actors."

Chiron nodded and turned to Percy and Annabeth before letting them go because he knew they were telling the truth.

They nodded and as they passed Annabeth gave him a hug before leaving the old centaur in the Bighouse.

As soon as they were outside Annabeth tackled E to the ground.

"Ahh! What the-!?" Annabeth put her hands around his neck choking him for making the whole camp think bad things about her.

Percy grabbed her shouders and started pulling her off with much difficulty because Annabeth was out for blood  (not really).

He got her off by jerking her up into his arms as she fought him. He grabbed her wrists and made her look him in the eyes as Elijah regained his breath that Annabeth had choked out of him.

"Hey calm down, it's not that bad." Not that bad?! Annabeth wanted to yell.

Then she noticed his strong left arm had slithered around her waist and the other was holding one of her hands as she panted in his grasp.

She looked into his sea green eyes and imagined looking at them before kissing his lips with hers.

She smiled wishing her dreams would come true and they would kiss. 

Then Annabeth heard someone snicker making her realize that everyone was watching them stare into each others eyes like they were madly inlove.

Annabeth then shook out of his grasp and looked at the crowd before tears started coming to her eyes.

She felt shame.

Though she had none.

So sniffling and wiping tears away from her eyes she ran to her cabin and locked the door before crying on her bunk.

What had she done?

Nothing. But she still felt like she had walked the walk of shame.

She couldn't stand it.

She grabbed her iPod and put in her headphones before turning on some music she thought was sad as she ignored her siblings who were trying to get back into their cabin.

It was Waiting For Superman by Daughtry.

She's watching the taxi driver, he pulls away. . .

She's been locked up inside her apartment a hundred days. . .

She says, "Yeah, he's still coming just a little bit late.

He got stuck at the laundromat washing his cape."

She's just watching the clouds roll by and they spell her name. . .

Like Lois Lane. . .

And she smiled, oh the way she smiles. . .

She's talking to angels, counting  the stars.

Making a wish on a passing car. . .

She's dancing with strangers , she's falling apart. Waiting for superman to pick her up. . .

In his arms, (yeah) in his arms.

Waiting for superman.

Annabeth got up and was starting to dance a bit she didn't know why, she just felt like it.

She's out on the corner trying to catch a glimpse. 

Nothing's making sense.

She's been chasing an answer a sign lost in the abyss, this metropolis.

She says "Yeah, he's still coming just a little but late.

He got stuck at the five and dime saving the day."

She says... "if life was a movie then it wouldn't end like this...

Left without a kiss..."

Still she smiles, oooh the way she smiles...

Then went on the chorus as Annabeth cried a bit in her hands.

She didn't know what to do. . .

Then she got an idea.

Annabeth stood from her seat on the floor and started packing.

She was gonna move back in with her father.


Oooooootay. I kinda like typing on a computer. . .










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