<9> I Am Mrs. Jackson. Sorta...

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After everyone got into their PJ's they started talking about sleeping arrangements.

"I call the couch." E said and Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"You can't do that!" Percy exclaimed and Annabeth nodded in approval.

"Shouldn't it be the girl goes on the couch and the boys on the bed? Or the other way around?" Percy asked and as Annabeth was about to nod Elijah spoke up.

"You 2 are supposed to be playing the Mom and Dad role. Moms and Dads sleep together." Elijah said and Annabeth couldn't help but blush.

"Plus I really just want my own bed."

"Hey! That's not fair!" Percy exclaimed as E got up and jumped on the couch claiming it for himself.

He wrapped himself with a blanket and laid his head on his pillow.

"Sleep tight." E winked and Annabeth couldn't help but wonder if he planned to do that.

Annabeth sighed and Percy groaned.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be out in a minute." Percy kissed her cheek and Annabeth stopped dead in her tracks.

Percy then went to the bathroom.

Annabeth did a little dance before jumping in bed.

She pulled out her pony tail and set the hair tie on the dresser before wrapping herself all up in the covers.

"Have fun!" Elijah whispered harshly and Annabeth glared at him.

Just then the bathroom door opened and both the Athena children closed their eyes.

Then Annabeth felt the bed shift going down on one side.

Then Percy rolled in right behind her.

Annabeth sighed and got comfortable.

Then she felt it, his arm.

It was wrapping around her waist.

Then she slowly got pulled up against his chest making her heart rate spike.

As soon as he relaxed he sighed his hot breath falling on her neck giving her goosebumps.

Percy was taking this parent thing
way to far.

But gosh, did Annabeth love it.

Soon she relaxed and fell asleep.


She woke up and yawned the smell of Percy filling her lungs.

She didn't mind though, it was the best smell in the world.

Annabeth then started untangling from him.

She unwrapped his legs from around hers and pried his arms from around her waist.

Then she stood and went to the bathroom.

When she looked in the mirror she decided to take a shower.

So she grabbed her stuff and took a short shower.

She got dressed into folded jean shorts that stopped right above her knee with a teal tank top.

She brushed her teeth and left the bathroom her hair still a little wet.

"Hey Annabeth." Percy greeted strained through his teeth wrestling with Elijah that was currently on top of Percy.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and put her dirty clothes in a trash bag before putting them back in her suitcase.

"You look good." Percy commented flipping the boys over so that Percy was on top of E.

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