<7> My Fangirl Friends.

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"You don't remember anything?" Chiron asked and Percy shook his head.

"No, just seeing Leo and Annabeth in the treehouse then..." Annabeth blushed at the thought.

She had never meant to kiss Leo. Quite honestly she thought of him like a sibling.

"It just went black." Percy chose his words carefully.

"What do you suppose it could be?" Will Solace asked since he was the cabin councilor of the Apollo cabin.

"Yeah, what happened?" Travis Stoll added and his brother Connor nodded. They were the cabin councilors for the Hermes cabin.

"Must be something freaky." the cabin councilor for the Athena cabin added.

Annabeth wasn't cabin councilor anymore because she was mute. There's a lot of things that come with being mute.

Athena's cabin councilor (Elijah) wasn't the smartest Athena child there could be.

But he loved books and that's all that mattered to Annabeth.

Surprisingly he didn't have dyslexia like the other kids. He was just ADHD and was different.

"I agree, maybe Annabeth has an idea?" Katie Gardner the Demeter cabin councilor offered making everyone look at Annabeth.

Annabeth gulped.

The only reason she was invited the meeting was because she saw the event take place.

The others would be there except they were in the infirmary getting their injuries healed.

"Annabeth?" Percy asked and Annabeth looked at him and noticed she was shivering.

She calmed herself down and cleared her throat before writing down on her piece of paper her guesses.

"It could be a god possessing him and making him act out, but I have no idea." Chiron read her words aloud.

"Hey, yeah!" Percy stood up quickly making everyone nervous.

"Maybe we should call Carter and Sadie!" Percy exclaimed happily at Annabeth who nodded slowly.

"Who's Carter and Sadie?" Katie asked the question that was in everyone's head.

"They're just friends who can help us out." Percy said sitting back down.

"Why do we need them?" Connor asked and Travis nodded.

"Because Greek gods don't usually use hosts, but Egyptian gods do."

Everyone gasped.

"You mean there are other gods?" Elijah asked and Annabeth couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah, just like Roman, there are Egyptian too." Percy explained.

"And Norse." Chiron quickly added making everyone look at him.

"It doesn't matter now, but we need to see these-..."

"Magicians." Percy said.

"Right." Chiron said before clearing his throat.

"Maybe they can explain what happened." Chiron said and everyone nodded.

"Ok." Elijah stood up. "I'm going, I have to see these magicians." he said.

"Can we bring Annabeth also?" Percy asked. "she's met them before too and we're great friends." Percy explained and Chiron nodded.

"Ok, they can go." Mr. D said from the back of the room giving them permission.

Chiron nodded.

"You may leave tomorrow morning." Chiron said and Percy smiled before jumping up and running over to Annabeth.

"I can't wait to see Carter!" he exclaimed and Annabeth nodded her head smiling.

"I can't wait either!" Elijah said walking over as people walked out of the bighouse knowing the meeting was over.

"You'll love them, they're so fun!" Percy said and Annabeth rolled her eyes at how Percy was acting like a kid.

"So how do you know them?" Elijah asked curiously. "We met, you know when problems arose." Percy chuckled nervously.

"I so can't wait." Elijah looked like he was in a dream. "I mean, magicians? Awesome!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes and started walking out of the bighouse.

She headed to her cabin the boys following her talking about Sadie and Carter.

Finally Annabeth got to her cabin and grabbed her notepad before scribbling down what she wanted to say.

She handed it to Percy and he handed it to Elijah because he could read easier.

"Leave me alone you fangirls, I need to pack for the journey and so do you." Elijah sighed and handed the notebook back.

"She's right." he turned to Percy.

"That we're fangirls?" Percy asked.

"What? No!" Elijah laughed "We just need to get ready."

"Fine." Percy pouted before walking out of the Athena cabin leaving the 2 Athena kids chuckling at him.

Annabeth almost couldn't believe what happened earlier happened at all.

Percy was acting so childish like usual like nothing happened.

That was her Percy.

"You have the weirdest boyfriend." Elijah commented and Annabeth's face paled.

She started shaking her hands in front of her.

She shook her head from side to side.

"Oh, so you're single?" Elijah asked and Annabeth sighed before nodding.

"I thought you'd already be taken because how pretty you are."

Annabeth blushed like mad and punched her half-brother in the arm.

"Sorry!" he exclaimed rubbing his arm.

"I wouldn't date you anyways." Elijah said and Annabeth glared at him.

"Well of course I wouldn't! I'm your brother!" he chuckled nervously.

"You're just not my type anyways." he calmed down and Annabeth rolled her eyes.

She pushed him away as if saying Go pack your stuff.

"Alright, alright." he chuckled and shook his head before walking off to his bunk with a trunk full of his stuff.

Annabeth smiled. She was happy to have a half-brother like him.

Then she sighed and turned eyeing her headphones that she had set on her bed.

Time for some tunes.


Welcome Elijah! My new character I made up myself.

*fake coughs nervously*

Silent readers DON'T be silent!
Go CRAZY in the comment section!


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