<5> Catching Fire.

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Leo pressed his head to hers and she smiled.

Hold on. Annabeth mouthed to Leo and he nodded before looking down at her iPod screen.

They both had a headphone in because Annabeth was showing him a song.

They'd been hanging out a lot lately especially in the treehouse Leo had made in the woods.

"What's the song?" he whined as Annabeth scrolled.

Annabeth glared at him and he put his hands up in defense.

"Ok, ok..." he leaned back in again pressing the side of his head to hers, "just don't kill me."

Annabeth smiled knowing he still feared her like every other person in camp.

Just because he came back from the dead doesn't mean she can't whip his butt.

Then she clicked the song and it started playing in her headphones, one in Leo's ear, one in Annabeth's.

"You like this song?" Leo asked as they listened to the song Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae.

Annabeth nodded.

La, la, la, whatever.

La, la, la, it doesn't matter.

La, la, la oh well.

La, la, la.

We're going at it tonight! Tonight!

There's a party on the rooftop top of the world.

Tonight! Tonight!

And we're dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign...

Annabeth starting mouthing the words.

I don't know if I'll make it, but watch how good I'll fake it.

Annebth and Leo mouthed the fake it part together facing each other before laughing.

They were having so much fun and the music was so loud Annabeth didn't hear the twig snap.

Then when they turned to mouth the words to each other something els happened.

Their lips met.

Annabeth's eyes widened and pulled away her face turning a deep shade of red.

"Whoa, I'm-"


Somebody yelled from on the ground grabbing both of their attentions.

Annabeth turned off the music as Leo stood up after taking the earphones out.

He looked down at the person as Annabeth shoved her iPod in her jean shorts pocket.

She stood up and looked over to see her crush.

Percy Jackson.

Leo and Annabeth then quickly made their way down Annabeth trying to get her blush to calm down.

"Yeah Percy?" Leo asked Percy who had an irritated look on his face.

Annabeth heard a sorta growling sound coming from the boys.

Then what Percy did next surprised Annabeth.

He punched Leo square in the face sending him flying back into a tree.

"Dude!" Leo yelled as Percy stood there fuming.

Percy walked over and grabbed Leo's collar before pinning him up against the tree.

"Don't ever touch Annabeth again." Percy said through gritted teeth.

"What do you- oh..." Realization seemed to wash over Leo.

"What do you care?" Leo crossed his arms and glared at Percy.

Percy stood there for a moment seeming to be searching for words as Annabeth watched curiously.

"You have a girlfriend, you don't need to go around kissing other girls." What Percy said made Annabeth's hopes drop of ever being Percy's crush.

"It was an accident!" Leo yelled frustrated.

"I don't care!" Percy yelled back pressing Leo harder up against the tree his right knee up against the tree in between Leo's legs.

"You don't control me." Leo's hands starting smoldering.

Then Leo threw a punch making Percy drop him.

No! Annabeth wanted to scream.

Percy chuckled as he laid on the ground.

"You really wanna do this?"

"Yeah." was all Leo replied before catching fire and jumping on Percy.


Oooh! Cliffhanger!

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