@Monrosey - Content Ambassador

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Content - Help maintain our content so there are no inappropriate, miscategorized, or mis-languaged stories / works. They also help curate reading lists and talk to the Trust & Safety team to identify looming trends.

1. Introduction:

Hello Wattpad friends, my name is Darly ! I joined Wattpad as a reader nearly two years ago but it didn't take long before I caught the writing bug...which is something I've always wanted to try. I am married to my best friend and have two amazing children. I love books and have been reading my entire life. While I was still in school I took a job at my neighborhood library and was basically fired because I kept reading when I should have been working! My taste is eclectic; I read and write everything from romance to horror.

2. Why I become an Ambassador:

I became an Ambassador because I love everything about Wattpad! I wanted to take on a more active role in the community and give something back to those who have given so much to me.

3. Projects that I'm crazy about and why:

My favorite project I'm working on are my revisions to STRAWBERRY WINE. It was born here on Wattpad and has exceeded all of my expectations. When I first began to post the chapters I didn't think anyone would read them, and I was really okay with that. When I discovered I had readers I was absolutely terrified! I seriously thought of pulling the story down, however, I'm so glad I didn't. STRAWBERRY WINE eventually went on to win The Write Affair contest and will be published through Kensington Publishing in February 2017.

4. Lol:

My joke of the day... It's funny you ask because I never remember jokes, but one of my friends just told me one so here it goes (sorry, it's a blonde joke). A blonde is watching the news with her husband when the news reporter says, "Six Brazilian men have died while skydiving." The blonde is devastated and starts to cry. "That's horrible!" she exclaims, with her head in her hands. "Yes, it is," her husband replies. "But that's the risk you take when you skydive." The blonde looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"

5. Wattpad:

Pick one nice thing to say about Wattpad? There are too many to count! I guess the single best thing about Wattpad are the people who make up our community...both readers and writers. Without all of us working together there would be nothing, and that's a very sad thought. I am a Content Ambassador which means I help keep the genres categorized and also look out for inappropriate content. If you're being naughty it's my job to find you (and like I tell my kids, I have eyes in the back of my head).

Lots of love to you all,

Darly (aka Monrosey)


PORTRAIT - Ambassadors at a Glance

By: @5ifthproject / Thomas: Engagement Ambassador

Dec. 09, 2015

PORTRAITWhere stories live. Discover now