@WinterStars - Community Ambassador

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Community - Ensure conversations are in the correct clubs and are following the club guidelines. They also answer user's questions and highlight issues to HQ like feedback.

1. Introduction:

My Wattpad username is WinterStars, but my real name is Signe. I'm 25 years old and born and raised in Denmark where I'm also currently studying Marketing Management. I've been reading and writing for as long as I can remember. I've always had a great imagination and tried to put it to good use on paper. My favourite genres to write are mainly Fantasy and the occasional Vampire. My books are YA, but I have started dappling in New Adult as well. I would love to be published one day, but for now I'm happy just to be on Wattpad.

2. Why I became an Ambassador:

I applied to become an ambassador not too far into my Wattpad life. Fast-forward about two years and that is now true. I applied because I wanted to help make Wattpad a better place for people to write and meet new people in positive surroundings. I love the platforms, what they do and how they are able to engage people and bring people together.

3. A projects that you're crazy about and why:

I don't have a project myself, but I'm helping out on the Sci-Fi Community profile, which I really enjoy because it's a great and thrilling genre that has a wide variety of stories.

4. Lol:

Why does Sam Winchester only eat healthy food? Because it's super natural! (Makes more sense if you watch Supernatural. If not, err, then it's probably not that funny to you)...

5. Wattpad:

Wattpad is the place where people, all ages and from all over the world, come together to share their passion for reading and writing. It's the place where I felt confident enough to share my own work and I've felt incredibly humble with the feedback I've received from all these wonderful people and if that's not positive, I don't know what is!


PORTRAIT - Ambassadors at a Glance

By: @5ifthproject / Thomas: Engagement Ambassador

Dec. 17, 2015

PORTRAITWhere stories live. Discover now