Kicked Asses

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<Mira P.O.V>

You must be wondering, why we were watching Sehun Oppa ask Eonnie out.
There is a reason for everything, a very crude and embarrassing reason indeed.
I'd rather explain to you than be labeled as a creep along with everyone else.

It all started a few minutes ago.....

(Flashback––—––—— ————)

"MIRA!!!! GET YOUR @$$ OVER HERE!!!! " Someone whisper shouted while tugging on my leg.
"Huh..... "
I groaned and rotated my head lazily to face the person who dare disturb my sleep.
Gabrielle stared at me with excitement in her eyes and she wore a goofy grin on her face.

"Come On!!!! Sehun is gonna confess to Ah Jae!!!! "

My eyelids popped open and I stared at Gabrielle in interest rather than irritation she woke me up.
"Wae? He's actually gonna do it?! "

Everyone knows they're mates, come on. They are basically attracted to each other like magnets, come on.
You must be an idiot not to know.

She nodded happily and sprinted out of the room, she popped her head through the doorway one more time.
"Btw: you will have to wake up Cerise too. No one has the balls to do it. " She flashed an encouraging smile at me and dashed off, probably to escape demon Cerise.

Cerise has terrible morning anger and is seriously a demon if you disturb her sleep.
Rumor has it, she almost clawed Gabrielle s eyes out when Gabrielle accidentally threw something at her while she slept.

I stepped out of the comfortable silk covers and placed my half moon glasses on the bridge of my nose. I ran a hand through my hair in a futile effort to take the wild black mane of hair.
I stared myself in the mirror.
The beast in the mirror stared back, her bluish silver eyes staring back into mine.
Ah well. I tried.

I walked out the door and down into the basement floor, which hosted the Draque twins when they came over to sleep and work. It was renovated into a living area for a family of seven, but the twins only took up one room.

Anyways. I raised my first to knock on the oak wood door that opened to their room.
It creaked open, the person behind it let a dark aura drift into the corridor, her eyes glowing a bright pink.


"Mira. Sehun Oppa is gonna ask Jae Eonnie out. "

She stared at me for a while before she closed the door on me. She opened the door a again to revealed a very disheveled Cerise, but who am I to say anything? I'm in quite a bad state myself.

She stifled a laugh and walked me to the SM ENT in silence.
The guards let us through without words and they gestured the group that had formed.


Gabrielle was in front with a bit of salted cheese popcorn that she passed around, Exo and BAP were engrossed in the scene before them, only moving to ask for the popcorn.

Sehun Oppa was talking to Jae Eonnie while holding her hands gently, his eyes staring into hers, the scene looked like one from an old Hollywood movie.

".... Will you be my girl friend? " Sehun Oppa said gently.

"Yes! Yes! Of course, " She paused to give him a gentle smile," I can never say no to you. "Eonnie replied taking his hand and placing it close to her heart.
She hugged him tenderly and he hugged back tightly, then he lifted her by the waist and swung her around in happiness.
He then slipped a ring on her ring finger, her eyes glittered in happiness as she hugged him again.

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