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** sometime aka days after the last chapter ***

"Damn those disgusting mutts...."The King trailed on and on in the meeting.

He hated them.


I myself the general, does not know. He did say something about dog breeding, slober ect. but I doubt none of that matters. He told me briefly about why he hated them, me being me, I didn't pay attention.
Yes. I know what you're thinking.




And spy.

First off, human error.

Second. I'm irritating by nature.

Thirdly, I'm not horrible if I can give out confidential info to Erza, Faerie General, am I?

It's probably a misunderstanding of sorts, the ones that tear and rip friendships. That hurts.

I'll listen in, don't worry... This time....

****somewhere in the Kim mansion****

<Jae Song>

We were all chilin' in the movie room, courtsey of having me choose the movie. Well since EXO did a collab with Star Wars...I BET YOU KNOW WHAT I'M THINKING! We're watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I'm not really a Star Wars fan but my boyfriend and annoying brother is.
And Apparently so is Cerise and Gabby.

By the time the movie finished, my cheek was smashed against Sehun's shoulder, my eyes closed peacefully. When he tried to stand up, i snuggled closer. He was warm. Hahha my only heat source as the theater was very cold; even for a werewolf.

Male wolves has stronger internal heat than females so it makes sense...right? Anyways who cares? He's mine anyways.

*snap* *tut-tut-tut-tut*

"Hey we got a nice picture...."
Gabrielle whispered, knowing I could hear her anyway.

"That looks pretty good Gabby, great job...." Chanyeol's deep voice said quietly(even though werewolves have superb hearing which he should know).

"He's right, and they look so cute together." Cerise exclaimed, jumping up, clasping her hands together.

To kill or not to kill, that is the question.. . .....

Sehun felt my posture change and mind linked me.
"Its alright, you're mine after all. Let them fawn."
I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I snuggled in closer, in an attempt to hide my red cheeks.
I felt him rest his cheek on my head and it did nothing to comfort me, I only blushed harder.

"I hate you Hunnie..." I muttered out into his jacket.

"Love you too..." He replied.

"ANYBODY GOT MISTLETOE!!!!!!They need a reason to kiss!."

That is the LAST straw.

"GABRIELLE! YOU WILL BE DIGGING YOUR OWN BLOODY GRAVE!!!"I raged, cheeks red and burning. Of course Sehun laughed at me. His ' blush' control is better than mine so whenever he's suppose to blush, he doesn't.

It's so unfair. I know it's unfair~

Yes like EXO's new song, unfair. Every single sentence is so true for that song. My favourite though is Promise or 약속 and Peterpan. Probably because Sehun sang quite alot in those songs.Haha he sang a lot in Unfair and Sing For You. His voice is AMAZING!

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