How Dare You?!

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-OK!! I'm BACK! Not really though. Anyway, I decided to continue writing. This is a v hateful chapter so deal with it!!-A.J.☄☄☄☄☄
(This chapter is not really relevant to the story *can be skipped* -Cerise)☄☄☄☄☄☄☄
(Me -Cerise)
(*flips table & laughs hysterically*-A.Gabby)

.....TIME SKIP TO MONDAY BECAUSE AUTHOR JAE'S LAZY....(I'm sorry)                 

Because EXO and B.A.P is going to school, we(Mira, Cerise, Gabby and I) decided to go to school as well. Even if we have parents' letter....

               That day, school ended already. I was on my way to meet up with the rest of the gang when I saw something—MY SEHUN OPPA WAS KISSING SOMEONE. Not any random girl—she was Min Ah. I believe you heard about her from Gabby. She used to be the QUEENKA  of the school before I came.

She usually comes to my desk and annoy me by asking: Why did you take MY title?Why are you dating Sehun oppa? Why did u take him  from me? sheesh.. talk about insecurity.
I tell her: Not my fault the school prefers a kinder person and not a b*tch like you. By the way, Sehun loves me and I'm his mate and you can't do anything to change it. Smiling "gently" at her while saying, my etes looked like they could have butned a hole through her head.

The look on her face was priceless. Most of the classmates sniggered at her and the class burst into a discussion. Well, I'm totally surprised but I decided to be cool headed and take a video of this for reference and blackmail. Yes, I know I'm being evil but izzliddat(ref to Jian Hao Tan)(it's like that)。Too bad for them because unlike most people, I'm trained for these kinds of situations. How, you may ask? Well, people with royal or high status requires their children, who will most probably take over their position when they are older, are trained to not show their real feelings. Not really real feelings but we learn to control it since young. We usually have a blank face on but as you can see, I'm always happy. I don't know why. Mira and Jong Innie oppa is also trained the same way. We go through horrible training and yes, if you were wondering, I have killed mythicals before. My own kind. Enemies. Mythicals not meant to be killed, were killed. Because it was an order. And it could not be disobeyed.

                You may ask why? But in our society its kill or be killed. Only the strong will survive. It's like that I guess. It has never changed and will never change. I hardly cry either. And previous(?) chapter I cried was because he is my family so I had nothing to fear. If it was with normal people, then it would have been a different story. I personally, didn't even cried even when i heard my beloved grandparents (that i was very close to at the time) died. I'm heartless. I know. But in order to survive you have to walk over bodies as well. I hardly am ever happy. Which previous chapters didn't really show. But when I'm outside, it's—you guessed it—a totally different story.
                            -Back to the story-

I stayed and videoed it until they stop kissing and to my delight, Hunnie pushed her off and slapped her. The echoing of the sound resounded throughout the hallway and Min Ah was very embarrassed as a student walked past and just happened to see her getting slapped  and her cheek turn red with Hunnie's hand print. As i saw it, I laughed my ass off. I think I laughed too loudly that Sehun looked towards my direction, horrified his girfriend was there. My laughter turned into craziness as I walked over to them. Face turning red due to the lack of oxygen after laughing so hard.

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