Red and Scarlet

39 5 6

General Parks POV

I can't stand anymore bloodshed.

I feel sick just thinking about it.

I remember more peaceful times.


A fellow villager from my neighbourhood waved to me from a far.
She wore a cheeky grin on her face as sped towards the village on smoky obdisian wings. She carried a sack of hunted deer, their antlers jutting out of its holes.

I grinned and waved back at her smiling figure.
"Welcome back Gale!"
I returned to feeding the Fire Hens and continued fling the dried corn above their heads.

"! Be a dear and Go collect this months meat rations from the Gale Family please!"
Mother called out from the kitchen window that faced the Hen house.
Her kind face smiling gently, her raven hair tied in a bun.

"Yes mother."

At that time, all was peaceful. We demons did not all live in the shady parts of the "Dark side". Some of us were caring, kind, living normal lives like any other townsfolk .
Haha no. Shush .
Until the Shadow Order started to demand power.
I remember like it was only yesterday, when my family was taken from me....



My eyes widened as her blood splattered on the walls, my hands were covered in the blood of my family members.

Her last scream was etched on her face, it was contorted into mixture of excruciating pain and terror.

Da (Dad) laid on the floor , his head no where near his body. His bones was snapped and his skin disfigured and burnt by Hellfire.

The murderer smiled in sick content and looked at me.

"You beast..."

My eyes glowed red as I growled in pure anger and lunged at him, his eyes turning wide and fearful.

My claws grew long and sharp, my teeth bared and ready to kill.



I growled as I spotted a few soldiers bullying a nurse from the medic bay.
I glared at them and they scattered in fear. I helped the nurse up and sent her off.

Looking back, I'm not that different.

However, with an army on our side like this,  there is almost no way the wolves can defeat us.
All the plans the king formulates are almost foolproof.

Maybe you're asking yourself, who's side are am I on?

I'm not quite sure myself.

For years , I have served the King in the army, yet now, I see the true horrors of the King.
I fear that the wolves will have no escape now, the light will dissolve under the Dark King's Reign.

I feel that it is unfair, unjust.

So, I would put myself on the wolves side.

"General Park! General Park!" I heard one of the colonels shouting. I turned around to see him saluting at me.

He explained that the King wanted to revise the plan with me, as the head general.
I strode to the Meeting Room and knocked on the brass doors.


It was a fairly short meeting, not worth describing, just the passing of information on the battle plan.
The King, worn out from the dangerous consumption of the Vampire soul, left us to annalyse the plans by ourselves, saying that at the next meeting we shall discuss plans.

After getting dismissed, I walked out of the chamber, revising the plan in my head.

We will send some soldiers charging from the wall area and send another few troops by boat to invade the other side. But there's a chance the navy consisting of battle mermaids and sea dragons will greet us...... If we take the air raid method, no. The Harpies will attack us from entering their territories, they are not comfortable with either side yet, though we could use the trolls path ....

The main point of battle is the mansion royal werewolves.

I went over the battle entries, crossing out dos and don'ts  and methods that would stall the attack long enough for the wolves to prepare.

"Watch where you're going."

I found myself bumping into the Head Reaper due to me being lost in thought.
The brim of her velvet hood revealed her warm rosewood eyes, her tone not matching the look they gave me.

I shrugged the comment off, "Relax. We're not in earshot of any official or soldier."
I stretched out a hand in the direction of a Vampire soldier heading this way and flicked my wrist gently, controlling him with my demon power so he took the other route of his routinely scout.

I felt her gaze relax and heard her hood being taken off.
Her scarlet locks drifted down to her shoulders and she ruffled her hair .
"What's up Jae?"
Her carefree tone lightened the atmosphere of the corridor.

I chuckled at her arrogance and waved the thick stack of parchment in front of her face.
"I've got the plan from the King. It's time to take action...



Erm..... This time the original chapter was created by another author, which is me, Mira. So you may be able to see a slightly different way of writing. Why do I say slightly? Because it's still Cerise who edits it.

E: you sound so irritated. Wheres your respect dongseng ah?
Sorry about the short chapter but we got what wanted across.

M: I'm not irritated. And I've never respected you so why bring it up now?

E: Shut it.

A: Hahaha!!

E: -_- Mira......
J:I just popped on and look what I found...A CHAPTER UPDATED WITHOUT BEING CHECKED BY ME??I did edit some mistakes (gammar) but that's all I did soo yeah.....akslakslalkslslkdkjfjdkkekdjdjjdnfkfjhfhgkdjdhjdndbgdsjj guyzz.U DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT THIS!We shall discuss this when we meet.*pouts*

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