Chapter 15

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I sat in class watching the clock slowly pass the time. I had study hall with Lydia next. I wanted the day to finish. I need the day to finish.

"Stiles?" Isaac tapped my desk. I looked around seeing everyone else walking out of the room. I gave him a small smile and got up following him out of the room.


Lydia and I sat down at a table in the library. She was going on about the fight her and Jackson got into last night. My phone vibrated on the table making her pause for a moment and continue babbling. I focused my eyes on pencil as I tapped it against my notebook.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" Lydia asked grabbing my hand.

"Did you see the picture? He's kinda pudgy."

"Derek's meeting my dad tonight." I said.

"They haven't met yet?" She laughed.

"Well, they have but this is the first time we're all having dinner. Normally they just see each other when Derek's dropping me off or when my dad stops home to get something."

Lydia nodded, "I'm sure your dad will like him."

"I hope so." I said seeing Isaac walk over to us.

"Can I sit with you guys?" He asked.

Both Lydia and I nodded. "I was thinking about visiting Scott...before his trial..." I said softly.

"What? Why?" Lydia asked almost dropping her lip gloss from her hand.

I shrugged, "I just...feel like I should."

Lydia stared at me. "I don't know, Sti. He's hurt you so much this year."

"But he's been my best friend since we were babies..."

She sighed, "I know. Sometimes you need to let people go though."


I sat at the table with my dad and Derek listening as they rambled to each other about the Mets game last night. I pushed my food around my plate.

"Stop standing up for that slut."

"You know it's true. Hell, he's sleeping with some college guy, having sex with my girlfriend, sending fucking nudes around school! He's probably the biggest slut we've ever had a Beacon Hills High."

"He's a total slut."

"Maybe Stilinski should just learn to keep it in his pants next time."

"Stay wherever you are. We don't need you spreading anymore diseases."

"Just don't trust him too much Stiles, you'll just get hurt again."

"Stiles, I'm sorry. I was mad!"

"He's kinda pudgy."

"True. He should do some crunches."

"Sometimes you need to let people go."

"Stiles." I heard Derek.

"Yeah?" I finally looked up.

"What's wrong?" My dad asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm just tired." I gave them both a smile.

My dad nodded going back to the conversation he was having. I got a sad look from Derek feeling him grab my hand under the table.

I sighed finally trying to tune back into what was going on. I don't know what to do anymore.

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