Chapter 20

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So, this is the last chapter guys. I'm sorry. I just can't figure out how to keep this going. It kind of bounces around a little bit. I wanted to show time progressing a little. Thank you for reading this!! It was fun while it lasted.

The next few weeks were a struggle. Stiles refused to talk about what had happened with his pills. They had kept him in the hospital for the next 72 hours under suicide watch and to make sure his system was okay. His dad pulled him out of school and he was now finishing his schoolwork at home with a tutor, although, he only saw said tutor three times a week. His diet changed again. He was eating, which thank god because seeing him starving himself killed me, but he was only eating soup. Granted, he would change what type of soup he wanted but it had to be soup. Particularly chicken noodle soup. He wasn't talking much anymore either. I don't know what's going on with him and it terrifies me.

I walked into Stiles' room to see him sitting at his desk working on his homework. He looked up at me for a moment flashing a small, forced smile and looked back at the paper in front of him.

"You doing okay?" I asked. He nodded not looking up.

"Did your dad give you your pills this morning?" He paused as if he was thinking before he nodded once more.

"Stiles..." I sighed. He turned in his chair to look at me. I sat on his bed my arms resting on my legs. "Why won't you talk?"

He got this look on his face like he was ready to cry. He dropped his head, "Because I don't want to talk about it." He whispered.

"Talk about what?"

"Being in the hospital, not being okay, how everything just hurts...all the time." He sniffled.

"Babe, I wouldn't make you talk about anything you don't want to talk about, you know that."

He nodded wiping his face and looking up at me. "I don't want to do it anymore." He looked up at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "And everyone wants me to talk about it."

"Well, I'm not going to make you talk about it. Okay?"

He nodded getting up and pushed himself into my arms. "How's school?" He asked. I smiled pulling him down so we were both laying down on his bed.


"Stiles! Come back! We're going to get in so much trouble!" I heard Isaac's voice ring through the air. I turned to see Stiles running over to me with a smile on his face. He squealed hugging me.

"Oh, hey." I said balancing myself with him in my hands. "What're you doing here?"

"The school allowed me to come on the field trip to tour the campus with everyone."

"You've seen the campus." I laughed.

"Yeah, but I wanted to get out of my house. And besides I was hoping to see you. I haven't seen you all week." Isaac sighed behind Stiles.

"The schools never gonna let you do anything again if we don't go back before getting caught." He groaned.

"Isaac, relax. We'll go back in a minute." Stiles said kissing me.

"Ew. Guys, seriously? Why'd you make me come with you just so you could suck face?" Isaac whined.

"Babe," I laughed pecking his lips one more time. "Go back before Isaac has a heart attack, I'll call you after I get out of class."

He nodded. "We can hang out before your finals start, right?"

I kissed his forehead. "Yeah, we will. I'll see you on Friday."

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