Chapter One

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Fiore was burning.

The once beautiful landscape of the Kingdom of Fiore was lit up with orange, red, black and blue flames, the lands completely engulfed in the orange and red flames of nature and the blue and black demon flames. The once lush, green grass was now blacken and burnt to a crisp, the plains across the land completely burnt out. The tall, beautiful trees were ashen and dead, no longer holding the life that it used to reel in. There was simply nothing left.

"How can this happen!?" Princess Erza of Fiore screams to the sky, falling to her knees, her Heaven's Wheel Armor clanking with her movements. Her long scarlet hair was plastered to her forehead with sweat and ruby blood, her usually flawless skin was scratched and bloody, bruises and cuts lined her body and her Heaven Wheearmor was cracked in some places, displaying the Titania's weakness to the world. She had fought her best for her Kingdom, but her magic power was out.

She has nothing.

"This is my fault," Erza cried out, grabbing her head and weeping for her Kingdom, for her parents. For herself.


Erza looks up to see a silhouette coming out of the flames, walking towards her. Behind the flames she could make out a pair of horns protruding from the top of the figure's head, wings taking shape from behind the person and a scarf flapping in the wind from the person's neck. The fire seemed to shift and shrink around the figure, drawing towards it as if he was calling the flames to him, natural and demon flames together. Finally, when the flames were gone, leaving nothing but burnt land, the figure was now clear: he was a well-built young man with spiky pink hair with two yellow horns, a well-toned body with a pair of wings that seemed to be made out of fire and eyes the colour of fire along with black markings all over his body in the shape of flames.

He was the Flame Demon, also known as E.N.D. or the Demon Prince, who was in his Etherious Form at the moment.

At the sight of the Flame Demon Erza's tears fell harder, blurring her vision. Erza struggled to get to her feet, a sharp pain shooting up her leg but she ignored it. Erza stumbled forward towards E.N.D, her legs giving out and causing her to stumble right into E.N.D.'s arms, who held her to him protectively as she cried on his shoulder.

"Everything's gone!" Erza cried, her voice muffled by sobs. "Fiore is gone. There's nothing here, my people are dead, burnt. I'm the only one left."

"Ssh ... Erza," E.N.D. soothed, stroking her scarlet hair as he buried his nose in it. "It's alright. I'm here, everything'll be OK."

"No, it's not going to be OK!" Erza yelled, pulling herself away from E.N.D.'s chest and looking up at him with tear-stained brown eyes. "Fiore being like this, being burnt to nothing, is our fault! The Demon Prince and Warrior Princess together, that would surely make things worse! And now -"

Erza couldn't finish, instead breaking down in tears, falling to her knees and clutching E.N.D. around the legs. E.N.D. crouched down and wrapped his arms around Erza's head, stroking her back.

"Erza, come with me," E.N.D. whispered into her ear, his breath sending chills down Erza's spine. "Become a demon. Become the Demon Princess to my Demon Prince."

E.N.D. took Erza's face in his hands and shifted so that his face was in front of hers. His form shifted, the horns shrinking back into his skull, the flame wings snuffing out and the black flame markings fading so that he looked human. The only thing that made him look like a demon still were the sharp canines, the one thing that marked him as a demon in his human form.

The Demon Prince and the Warrior Princess (Fairy Tail NatZa| Natsuxerza)Where stories live. Discover now