Chapter Eleven

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Natsu sat on Acnologia's back, Happy in his lap and Wendy and Carla beside him, Sting, Lector, Rogue and Frosch behind him and Gajeel, Pantherlily and Ailas arguing somewhere in the distance. Natsu was beginning to get annoyed at Gajeel and the two exceeds and was about to lash out at them if they didn't stop.

Why was Natsu and the other Dragon Slayers going out with the exceeds you ask? Well ...


"Natsu, did you get that horrible demon out of here?" Zeref demanded.

"Yes Zeref-Nii, the demon is gone," Natsu sighed, pulling a dead guard that hadn't escaped the castle in time when Zeref's contradiction curse went off.

"Good," Zeref sighs, turning away from the poor, unfortunate dead guard. "I got word from our spy in Fairy Tail -"

"There's a spy in Fairy Tail?" Natsu interrupted, dropping the dead guard disgracefully.

"Yes, there is a spy in Fairy Tail," Zeref sighed, rubbing his temples. "Anyway, they said that King Makarov had sent them to go get a crystal called the Tenrou Jade from an island called Tenrou Island."

"Yeah, so?" Natsu asked, grabbing hold of the dead guard's legs again.

"If they retrieve this jade and crush it onto a blade, that would be able to kill any demon, including you."

Natsu dropped the dead guard again in shock.

"They're trying to kill me?" Natsu asked.

"It seems so yes," Zeref sighed. "The spy said that Princess Erza Scarlet was given the task of killing you because she had faced you once before and survived."

Natsu looked away from his brother, instead focusing on the dead guard (not a good sight but it was better than looking at his brother). Erza was ordered to kill him? He knew that Erza wouldn't do it, not after what they had done together, but if it was to prove herself to her father than Natsu would allow her to kill him. What a better way to die, the face of your love being the only thing you see as you die.

"However I won't let you die again so I'm sending the Flying Dragon Squad to get to Tenrou Island and collect the Tenrou Jade before they do," Zeref says, beginning to walk away. "And if you come in contact with the fairies, deal with them."


"Hey Natsu, are you OK?" Happy asks, noting the far away look on Natsu's face. Natsu jolted out of his thoughts and smiled sadly down at his blue exceed friend.

"I'm fine, just thinking," he admits. It was supposed to be a harmless thing - everyone gets lost in their own thoughts sometimes - so Natsu wasn't expecting the harsh event.

"Natsu's thinking!" Happy yelled in mock horror, summoning his wings and flying into the air, grabbing his face. "The E.N.D. is coming!"

"Gihihi, it's not my E.N.D. that's coming cat," Gajeel snickers.

"Hehe, the world is coming to an E.N.D.," Acnologia laughs.

"Tom cat, Gajeel and Acnologia, stop this worthless chatter," Carla says with her arms crossed.

"Carla, the world is E.N.D.-ing!" Happy sniggers behind a paw. "Have some fish! Please!"

The Demon Prince and the Warrior Princess (Fairy Tail NatZa| Natsuxerza)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ