Chapter Fifteen

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I'm currently panicking because I'm turning 18 in a month. I'll be a adult and I won't be able to get away with stuff that I did when I was a miner 😭. At least I'll be able to drink legally 😎

It took seven years for the Fairy Sphere spell to wear off, and already half the land was dead due to Zeref's forces destroying most of Fairy Tail's land. Everything was black, no lush greens that Fairy Tail Kingdom was renowned for. Just black.

Acnologia had disappeared seven years ago after the incident with Tenrou Island. Some say Zeref had killed him in rage because Zeref believed Acnologia was responsible of killing his little brother. Others say Acnologia ran off in fear of the depressed Black Wizard. No one really knew where the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse was.

Zeref himself was far worse for wear. Natsu was everything to him, Zeref had given up everything — his mortality, his sanity — to bring him back to life, and now Zeref thought he was dead. The remaining sanity that Zeref had snapped like a cord, and Alvarez had attacked Fairy Tail blindly, killing just about every soldier and innocent citizen who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Tartarus had turned cold and bitter toward human kind. Without their master they had no idea what to do, so they became like true demons, cold and heartless creatures. Jackal had massacred the entire Magic Council. Deliora had wiped out every kingdom except for Fairy Tail and Alvarez. They were bringing on a new age, and they believed they could resurrect their master by wiping out all magic from Earthland.

"This world is going to waste, don't you agree Mavis?" a scarlet haired ghost asks the blonde ghost beside her.

"It's going to stop today," the other ghost, First Queen Mavis, tells the Third Queen Ember. "Fairy Sphere is going to be wearing off. Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy and Juvia will wake up, and Natsu would be able to stop all of this."

"Yes," Ember sighed. "But don't forget Mavis, Xanthe had said that Natsu would have to sacrifice himself to do that. How will Zeref react when his brother actually dies?"

"Leave it to me," was all Mavis says before disappearing.

Ember looked up at the sky, which was becoming black with smoke. The world was dying indeed.

"Erza, Natsu," Ember whispered. "You're the only ones who can stop this. Hurry."


Natsu's body was aching all over. His head hurt, his limbs hurt; everything hurt. The worse was the weight on his chest, as if something was lying on top of him. He felt like he had slept in an uncomfortable position for seven years.

"You have been sleeping in an uncomfortable position for seven years," a ghostly voice says.

Natsu reared up in shock at the sound of the voice, accidently sending Erza crashing to the ground with a yelp of surprise. First Queen Mavis was floating above him, looking as ethereal as ever.

"You're Zeref-Nii's kid girlfriend!" Natsu exclaimed. Something that the ghost had said clicked in his mind and he sighed. "What do you mean it's been seven years?"

Just then the others stirred. Lucy looked confused, but that look instantly changed when she realised her clothes were destroyed. She cursed in frustration. Gray, who wasn't a morning person, looked like he wanted to freeze someone and throw them off a cliff. Maybe a certain blue haired Water Wizard who was still attached to his side. Happy woke up and instantly commented on how hungry he was.

The Demon Prince and the Warrior Princess (Fairy Tail NatZa| Natsuxerza)Where stories live. Discover now