Chapter Six

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After the argument between Natsu and Lullaby they both left, leaving Erza standing by herself in the middle of Celestial Forest. A wind picked up, blowing Erza's scarlet hair in front of her, shielding her face. Erza re-quipped into her regular armour she wore around the castle when she wasn't in battle or if she wasn't dressed like an actual princess during balls and when other kings visited Fairy Tail.

After standing in the forest for what felt like hours Erza finally went back to the castle where she left Lucy. Lucy was still crying, sitting against the wall with her knees drawn to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs.

"Princess Lucy?" Erza whispered.

"I hate them," Lucy whispered, her voice hoarse. "I hate Alvarez." Lucy shakily got to her feet and Erza instantly ran to her side, holding her up to stop her from falling over.

"We all do," Erza sighed. Lucy looked up at Erza with hard eyes.

"Princess Erza, I've always admired you," Lucy whispered, catching Erza by surprise. "I ... I want to be like you. A princess but also a warrior."

Lucy wiped away the tears on her cheeks and touched her fingers to her blonde hair, her eyes hardening. Before Erza contemplated what was happening Lucy grabbed her sword and cut her hair into a bulb-cut and dropped the blonde strands to the ground as she walked towards the door.

"Princess Lucy?" Erza asked, shocked by the Celestial Princess' actions.

"It's my duty as the princess of Celestial I'll avenge my people," Lucy says, using Erza's sword to cut the dress up the sides to make it easier to run and fight. "My mother wanted me to go to Fairy Tail and that's what I'm going to do. But I won't be Princess Lucy Heartfilia, too weak to do anything; I'll now be Lucy Ashley, a fighter."

Lucy stopped and held the sword out to Erza who took it hesitantly.

"First thing's first I need a weapon," Lucy says, turning away. "My spirits are more companion spirits than battle spirits. I need a weapon and I think the best one for me will be a whip."

Erza followed Lucy to the only magic shop in Celestial and Erza was surprised when Lucy didn't even react to the bloody body of the shop keeper. She took a handle with nothing connected to it and pressed a button and a blue beam came out from the flat end into a whip. Lucy grinned and pressed the button again, turning the whip's magic off.

"Come on, let's go," Erza tries but Lucy walks away towards a clothes rack. Lucy grabbed a pile of black fabric and a pair of thigh high boots and disappeared into the changing room. Erza didn't even know there were clothes in this store. She thought it was just a magic store and nothing else. Guess she was wrong.

"You know," Lucy says from the changing stall, "I'd never guess that I would be doing something like this, changing my name, apperance and thoughts towards the world. It feels like a dream."

"I know the feeling," Erza sighed.

Lucy emerged from the changing room and Erza's eyes bugged out of her head. Lucy was now wearing a revealing black leotard with a large erect collar that is exposed at the front and is cut to reveal her stomach and ample cleavage with a metal shoulder-guard on the right shoulder and a sheet of white fabric attached to her right hip cascading down to her knee. The suit has no leggings and overlapping belts seemed to be keeping the thigh high boots up. Lucy had removed the pink ribbon and replaced it with a skull headband. Erza's eyes widened at the sight of the princess. No, this was not Princess Lucy Heartfilia. This was Lucy Ashley.

"Come on, let's go," Lucy says, grabbing Erza's arm and dragging her out of the shop and into the blood filled streets that had once been the beautiful kingdom of Celestial.

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