Chapter Two

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I probably should have said this first but I've blended Erza Scarlet and Erza Knightwalker into one if you hadn't figured it out already. The outfit Knightwalker wears is Erza's main battle uniform and the one that Scarlet usually wears is Erza's every day clothes. Also Makarov has his usual Titan Magic here but in battle he takes on the form of King Faust. 
____________________________Erza got out of the bath and quickly dried off and pulled on her robe before walking out into the hallway, her still wet hair dripping water onto the polished floors as she walked. She stopped and turned around when she heard a commotion coming from the throne room.

"What's going on?" she asked, stepping into the throne room and seeming to forget that she was wearing nothing but a robe. The soldiers from all the magical warfare units, especially the ones from the one she commanded, looked at her before looking away with a blush tinting their cheeks.

Everyone, including the captain of the first magical warfare unit Panther Lily, the captain of the third magical warfare unit Hughes and his twin sister Mary, the captain of the fourth magic warfare unit Sugarboy and King Makarov in his battle form were sitting around a rectangular table, a large map open up in the middle which they were whispering over.

"Erza, good, you're here," King Makarov sighs. "Change into your uniform. We need the warfare units to go out to battle."

Erza nodded. Instantly her form begun to glow gold, Re-quipping into her captain's uniform: a revealing, halter-type armour breastplate top, light-armored gauntlets and greaves on her forearms and forelegs, a dark bikini bottom with a piece of cloth obscuring her hips and a dark scarf around her neck with a sword sheathed under the cloth. Erza walked around the table and sat beside Pantherlily, who happened to be a giant cat, an Exceed to be exact.

"What is going on?" Erza asked, looking at the map. The map was a map of Fairy Tail Kingdom with lines drawn around it, marking a battle plan. Erza traced a finger over the line that went from the castle's gates towards the ocean that led to ...

"We're having a battle with Alvarez Empire," Makarov explained. "We got a message from our spy in the Alvarez Empire that Emperor Spriggan is sending his strongest team, the Flying Dragon Squad, here, although he did not say exactly why they are coming."

"Who are the Flying Dragon Squad your Highness?" Sugarboy asked.

"I believe they are a group of Dragon Slayers: Acnologia, Sting, Rogue, Wendy, Gajeel and their leader Natsu. The spy also said that the leader is Emperor Spriggan's little brother."

"Does that mean that he is the Demon Prince?" Erza asked, her eyes widening. King Makarov nodded.

"Sugarboy, go fetch Prince Gray," he ordered. Sugarboy nodded and quickly ran out of the room in search of the Prince.

"Your Highness, why did you ask Sugarboy to fetch the prince?" Pantherlily asked, highly confused on why the King would call his youngest son.

"Gray is an Ice Devil Slayer and the Demon Prince is a fire demon. If anyone can defeat the Demon Prince, it's Gray." King Makarov scratched his chin, thinking. "Erza, I'll like you to access him. With your Flame Empress Armor his attacks would be halfed by fifty percent."

"I understand Father," Erza says, bowing her head as she stood up. "Second Warfare Unit soldiers, come with me."

The soldiers in Erza's unit all stood up hesitantly, following Erza out of the throne room.

Even though she was heading to battle Erza couldn't get the recurring dream out of her head.


The Demon Prince and the Warrior Princess (Fairy Tail NatZa| Natsuxerza)Where stories live. Discover now