Chapter Five

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"Hey, what happened?" Acnologia asked as Natsu walked up to him, an emotionless expression plastered on his face. Blood was all over his face, mostly on his chin and down his neck, his salmon hair casting a shadow over his eyes where a blood red hue illuminated from his eyes, giving a more chilling appearance to his demonic features. Whatever happened in the castle must have caused Natsu to shut off his humanity. Shit, it took forever for Natsu to get his humanity back.

"I bit the princess and drained her enough to kill her," Natsu says, his voice lacking emotion. A shiver went down Acnologia's spin as he watched the demon walk away with a slow and calm pace.

"So she's dead?" Acnologia asked. He shifted back into his human form and stretched his aching back, hearing it pop.

"Not exactly," Natsu replies. No, all traces of Natsu was gone. This was E.N.D., the emotionless part of Natsu. The part of Natsu that scared Acnologia like hell because he knew Natsu could rip his head off and laugh about it like it was nothing. The only person who could control Natsu when he was like this was Zeref, and Zeref only. Really, the only person that Natsu really listened to was Zeref.

"Oh, she's a demon now," Acnologia realised. He smirked when he got an idea. "That means you can control her because you're her sire! Zeref would probably reward me for coming up with that awesome idea!" There was nothing Acnologia loved more than destroying kingdoms was Zeref's rewards. They were the opposite to his punishments.

Acnologia shrieked when a tennis ball shaped demon fireball just barely missed him, singeing the corner of his hair. Acnologia stared at Natsu in shock, steam rising from Natsu's left hand. He walked towards Acnologia and grabbed his neck, throwing him into the wall behind him. If Acnologia wasn't immortal he would have died from the impact of hitting the wall, the building shattering to the ground and leaving a dust cloud above it. Instead Acnologia knew his spine would be broken. Damn, he needed to create fear from the humans so that he could heal his broken spine (A/N: since there's nothing about what Acnologia's element is I'm making him a Chaos Dragon Slayer who feeds emotions created by chaos) since the humans would be scared due to the chaos he was creating.

"I hope I haven't missed out on any of the fun," a new voice says with that-all-too-familiar annoying laugh. Acnologia looked up to see Gajeel standing on the opposite building from them, holding a struggling woman under his arm and munching some iron bolts. He jumped in front of Acnologia and dumped the woman in front of him, who looked up at him in fear, her slender form trembling. Gajeel swung a set of silver keys around his finger as he stared down at the trembling woman. "This woman is scared shitless. She should be a hefty meal."

Acnologia smirked and sucked a blue white cloud that wafted off the woman into his mouth, healing his spine in the process. The woman fainted in fear, slumping on the ground as Acnologia stood up, stretching his back.

"Thanks for the meal," he says, turning away from the younger Dragon Slayer. "Where's that shitty little bratty demon?"

"He went that way," Gajeel answered, pointing somewhere off in the distance. They took a step forward but they were attacked by a scarlet blur, Gajeel turning his arm into an iron sword and blocking the sword that was flying out of the air. Princess Erza Scarlet held the sword, her wild hair blowing back from the impact of the swords hitting each other. She had two scars on her face from Natsu's claws.

"Gihihihi, the Warrior Princess has arrived," Gajeel laughed, pulling his sword-arm away from Erza's sword. "If you and Flame Head had a draw in your fight than you must be a worthy opponent. Gihihihi, I'm going to enjoy this!"

"Hey Tin Head, enough with that annoying laughter of yours," Acnologia snapped, flicking Gajeel's temple hard.  "Listen to your senior!"

"You're over four hundred years old," Gajeel pointed out as he turned his sword-arm into a chainsaw-arm. "You're way above senior."

The Demon Prince and the Warrior Princess (Fairy Tail NatZa| Natsuxerza)Where stories live. Discover now