Chapter Ten

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"Natsu, what are you doing?" Zeref asked his brother.

Natsu was in the regeneration room with Lamy, typing some things on a lacrima keyboard as Lamy helped him do ... something. Inside one of the regeneration pod, floating in a green bubbly liquid, was a creature that looked like a baby dragon with red scales, a pink underbelly and pink small wings.

"I'm making a new Etherious, what does it look like?" Natsu asked half-heartily, not looking at his brother as he approached him.

"Are you sure it's a good idea for you to make a new demon?" Zeref asked, crossing his arms and looking up at the demon with raised eyebrows. "Remember what happened with Rier?"

"The rhyming wasn't that bad really," Natsu shrugged. "Rier have helped me with writing a poem."

Zeref couldn't imagine Natsu writing a poem or even holding a pen without stabbing anyone.

"Why would you want to write a poem? Never mind that, I was talking about the pranking."

"I'm making her an angel," Natsu says dismissively. He typed some more on the keyboard, hitting random keys. Zeref wondered if Natsu was even paying attention. Lamy, on the other hand, was staring at the demon with distaste, her bunny ears flopping down.   

"Can't I give her some longer horns and make her face more twisted with a few warts here and there?" Lamy pleaded.

Natsu clearly did not like that. Eyes flashing red like fire he pushed Lamy's head into the keys, crushing her face in the process.

"You're not doing anything to her!" Natsu growled. "You're just helping me."

Zeref watched as the keyboard around Lamy's head starting sparking, the blue-green sparks travelling up the machine and illuminating the regeneration pod in a golden light. Natsu, eyes back to normal, looked up at the glowing regeneration pod with wide eyes.


The regeneration pod blew up, sending the three people—well, the two demons and the immortal human— in the room flying into a wall, dirt and debris falling down from the roof. Zeref, who was unharmed thanks to his immortal body, stepped away from the cracked wall and stared at the shattered regeneration pod with wide eyes, which later went narrowed with annoyance.

"Natsu, you're going to be making me a new regeneration pod as well as a new basement as punishment for destroying the regeneration room," Zeref says, turning to his dazed brother who was lying on top of a pile of rubble, his eyes spinning. Natsu moaned something in pain in response.

"Natsu, you're going to be making me a new regeneration pod as well as a new basement as punishment for destroying the regeneration room."

Zeref turned to see the demon that Natsu was trying to create standing in front of him, looking up at him with brown eyes.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Zeref asked.

"Sorry, did you say something?" the demon repeated. Zeref's eyes turned red in annoyance.

"Stop copying me!" Zeref screamed at the female demon.

"Stop copying me!" the female demon copied in the same tone as Zeref.

Zeref was trembling in annoyance, his curse threatening to push itself out of him. Zeref tried to calm himself down as he turned to Natsu and Lamy, who had recovered and were rubbing their heads. Natsu looked up at his brother and froze at his expression of death.

"Natsu," Zeref grounded out. "Do something about this thing before I loose hold of my curse and kill everyone in Alvarez."

"Natsu, do something about this thing before I loose hold of my curse and kill everyone in Alvarez."

The Demon Prince and the Warrior Princess (Fairy Tail NatZa| Natsuxerza)Where stories live. Discover now