Chapter Twelve

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A young Natsu walked alongside Zeref and Acnologia, Zeref staring hard at a tome in his hands and Acnologia looking bored - more bored then usual. Natsu was beyond excited, running around the adult's legs and pouncing onto Acnologia's back and screaming in his ear and being pulled off by Zeref, who was still looking down at the tone.

"Are we there yet?" Natsu screamed into Acnologia's ear, causing him to wince.

"For the two thousand, nine hundred and ninety ninth time, no, just like I told you ten seconds ago," Acnologia snapped.

Natsu pouted as Zeref finally took his eyes off of the tome. He placed it into his robe and pulled Natsu off of Acnologia's back and set him on his shoulder so that he wouldn't annoy Acnologia anymore.

"Ah, Zeref, it feels like it was two weeks ago when you found me by the river with a massive hangover," Acnologia sighed, stretching his arms above his head and yawning.

"Acnologia, it was two weeks ago," Zeref sighed as Natsu sniggered.

"What are you sniggering about?" Acnologia asked the two week old demon boy, his eyes narrowed.

"Acknowledger, are we there yet?" Natsu sniggered. Acnologia's growled in frustration.

"No, we are not there yet!" Acnologia shouted.

"Acnologia, Natsu asked 'are we there yet' three thousand times," Zeref stared.

"Yeah, so?"

"You owe me three thousand jewel."

"I don't have three thousand jewel," Acnologia mumbled.

"Well, go and destroy a kingdom and steal all their jewel," Zeref says. "I'm giving you permission."

Ever since Acnologia started travelling with the Dragneel brothers Zeref had forbidden Acnologia from destroying kingdoms because he was setting a bad example on Natsu.

If you keep destroying kingdoms the way you do, Natsu will surely pick up on them and start destroying them with you, Zeref had said the second day of Natsu's resurrection (that week had been Acnologia's favourite time because the resurrection was still incomplete and Natsu had needed a lot of rest so he was practically sleeping that entire week). And Natsu's too young to be destroying kingdoms.

Acnologia had been sulking that entire week, his hands were itching to destroy a kingdom. He was a Chaos Dragon Slayer, he thirsted for destruction and chaos! He needed to destroy a Kingdom before he went insane! So if Zeref was giving him permission to destroy a Kingdom Acnologia was more than happy to oblige, remembering to offer to babysit Natsu as a thank you, and Zeref knew that Acnologia couldn't stand the brat.

"Zewef-Nii, we are we going?" Natsu asked, realising he had no idea where they were actually going.

"You'll see," Zeref answered.

Over in the distance they could hear the noises of explosions and the crescendo of screaming. Natsu, who could hear it better than Zeref because of his enhanced hearing, looked over his shoulder to see a cloud of smoke rising above the trees, stretching up and wide like a tree. A tree of destruction.

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