Chapter Three

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Erza and Natsu clashed with each other, the impact of their speed causing them to fall over backwards and roll down the hill that Natsu had not noticed was there before, rolling out of sight of the others, who had forgotten about their battle and watched the Demon Prince and Warrior Princess roll out of sight. And as if breaking from a spell cast on them they all shouted at the same time:



"Don't get killed you little brat or Ze-Emperor Spriggan will torture me for years before killing me!"

Natsu had to chuckle at Acnologia's words despite the situation. Erza, seeing Natsu distracted, slashed at him with her flame sword, cutting him on the right side of his neck. If Natsu had been a regular human Erza would have cut his head off. It seemed that demon skin was tougher than human skin.

"OW! That hurt you bitch!" Natsu roared. Lucky he was still in his Etherious form, meaning that his nails were sharp, talons. Natsu slashed at Erza's face, slashing her on the bridge of her nose and on her right cheek, causing them to bleed.

The demon and human continued to roll across the ground, causing Erza's armour to crack in some places and Natsu's skin to scratch up when twigs pierced his skin each time he landed on some. Erza and Natsu both landed on their feet, crouching down to gain their balance, and stared at each other, Erza panting and Natsu looking as if he didn't break a sweat in the collision.

"I have to admit you're pretty strong," Natsu commented, placing his hand on the deep slash on his neck, spreading the reddish/blackish blood all over his hand. "Stronger than the other humans I've faught."

"Let me guess, you ripped them apart with your bare hands?" Erza asked, touching her hand to the slash on the bridge of her nose, assessing the damage done. When she felt wetness on the tip of her fingers she wiped the blood on her left cheek, making her look fiercer than before.

Natsu's eyes became cold as he started chuckling evilly, running his fingers over the small cuts over his body and spreading the red/black blood in his fingers' wake. He no longer looked fierce, naïve like before but sadistic, cold and cruel. This was the demon Natsu. This was E.N.D., the most feared demon in Earthland.

"I guess you can say that," Natsu says, lighting his hand with a demon flame and pressing it against the wound on his neck. The skin around it became black as if the fire burnt him, the wound closing up and leaving a ragged scar in its place. "Their skin was easy to cut through. My talons ripped through the human's skin as if I was ripping through silk, their screams and cries for mercy sounding like music to my ears."

"You really are a monster," Erza growled.

"Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment."

"I can not let something as vial as you walk among Earthland!" Erza shouted. "Re-Quip: Heaven Wheel's Armour!"

Erza Re-quipped into a new armour, one that really went with her name Warrior Princess. Plated armor covers her chest, with a large metal flower over it, and she wears a large billowing skirt that has metal plating in the upper area. Her stomach and neck are uncovered, and she has large metal wings that appear to be made of individual blades, as well as a wing-like headpiece. Natsu's eyes widen when he recognised the armour from the recurring dreams.

"No one," Erza says in a deadly voice, re-quipping two hundred swords behind her. "Ever brings harm to the earth! Dance my swords!"

The swords all shot towards Natsu, moving at the speed of light. Natsu crouched down and jumped up into the air, spreading his flame wings and sending a torrent of flames towards the swords. The flame pillar and swords connected in the middle of the field, causing the swords and flames to blend together and create a firework show in the sky.

The Demon Prince and the Warrior Princess (Fairy Tail NatZa| Natsuxerza)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant