Payback is a...

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"So, this prison you told me about, is it heavily guarded?"

"Not at night. This will be the safest time."

"Thanks again for the information. Also, sorry for what I said earlier."

"I should apologize as well. I forgot about the fate of your last partner. At least my friends are alive."

"Tell me, why are you helping me?"

"I owe you a favor, remember? Besides, we're neighbors by law."

"I thought monks were about peace. Isn't revenge against your moral codes?"

"It is, but sometimes you just have to get rid of a problem. I wasn't able to get my revenge, but I learned to overcome the hatred over time."

"I see."

"Were you expecting a different answer?"

"I was expecting you to stop me."

Sonya was thinking about the conversation she had with Chan hours before. The sun was preparing to rise. Sonya began to drag her partner Jax out of the cell. He was badly beaten, but still alive. She traveled outside of the prison and arrived near the edge of the island. She decided to rest there and waits for backup to arrive. As Jax began to regain consciousness, Sonya began to talk to him.

"How are you holding up?" Sonya asked

"I'm fine," Jax responded. Sonya gave him a sympathetic look.

"Liar. After I get you to base, I'm coming back. I still have Kano to deal with."

"Your obsession with him is going to get you killed."

"I trusted him to turn himself in, and he causes the death of Sergeant Capitol. I'm not letting him go that easily." Suddenly, a helicopter arrives to pick them up. "I think our ride's here." She begins waving at the helicopter; however, a gigantic fireball shoots up from nowhere and blows the helicopter out of the sky. Sonya could only watch in awe.

"No!" Sonya shouted. She turns to see Shang Tsung standing beside Kano.

"You have a challenger," Shang Tsung stated.

"Well, Well, Well. If it isn't good old Sonya Blade," Kano commented.

"You're not getting away this time Kano," Sonya responded.

"Pretty boy ain't gonna save ya like you did him," he taunted as he got into an offensive stance. A lightning bolt strikes the ground a few feet behind Sonya. Chan and Raiden had appeared. Raiden looked at Jax and saw that he was injured.

"I'll be taking your partner away from here so that I can heal him," Raiden stated as he walked towards Jax. They both teleported away. Chan decided to stay and watch. He saw that the copter was destroyed but wasn't surprised.

"So, anything I should know about this fight?" Sonya asked. Chan smirked.

"Go wild. You're going to win either way," Chan responded. Sonya smiled. She runs towards Kano with intense rage. However, when she got closer, she spotted a red glow near his right eye. He fires a strong laser from his eye that knocks Sonya to the ground.

"Weren't expecting that now were you," Kano taunted. He walked toward Sonya as he prepped another laser. "When you shot my eye out two years ago, I got a surgical doctor to implant a weapon in its place. Seems like it came in handy." Kano fired another laser at Sonya causing her to grunt in pain.

"Enjoy this while it lasts Kano. You're only making your death much worse," Sonya taunted in return. Kano continued to use his laser to keep Sonya down. Chan starts to get worried as he spots Shang Tsung smiling heavily.

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