The Vanguard of Earthrealm

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Knightwolf and Tesla circle around each other. Tesla looks onto Knightwolf with disgust while Knightwolf simply looks onto her with pity as she knew the truth of her origins.

"You shouldn't be here Shaman," Tesla stated. "You fight for Earthrealm, but you're from Outworld. Do you not remember what happened to Zaterra when they did this? You're a risk to Earthrealm."

"Are you really going to sit here and lecture me the entire time?" Knightwolf asked. "Rain was right, you have gone soft."

"I don't know why everyone believes that I'm just some cold killer. I've only killed full klans of people, such as your real mother and father, your Shaman group, your Shirai Ryu clan twice, the Wu Shi Academy..."

"Wait that was her?" Chan shouted. He then looked at Johnny who was confused. "So, it really wasn't you."

"Of course not, I'm American kid," Johnny responded.

"...The Lin Kuei almost fell to my power, and I've killed a Mass number of Children from Russia who've become members of NetherRealm's most underrated group known as the Sisterhood." Tesla begins to laugh, but she gets struck in the shoulder by Knightwolf's spirit arrow.

"I don't care about your resumé. You're a perfect undead sorceress. You were always Quan Chi's pet," Knightwolf stated.

"I'll show you a pet, Shaman," Tesla says as she disperses Knightwolf's energy arrow. She heals herself and adjusts the glove on her left hand. The glove had a magic circle drawn on it. Knightwolf's eyes perk up as well as Scorpion's.

"So, I'm guessing that Ashrah really did..."Knightwolf began.

"She will be avenged of course, but she can easily be replaced. Maybe when Quan Chi corrupts your soul perhaps?"

Tesla forms a powerful fireball in her right hand. Knightwolf activates her Spirit Armor and rushes towards Tesla. Without hesitation, Tesla fires the fireball at Knightwolf. The impact of the fireball slows Knightwolf down a bit, but it doesn't stop her from running. Tesla then continues to fire more fireballs at Knightwolf, but they prove not to work. Tesla then forms fire in her left hand which turns blue. Knightwolf's eyes widen as Tesla throws the blue fireball at Knightwolf. Knightwolf creates a four-layer energy shield to guard herself against Tesla's attack. The Impact causes a huge fiery explosion which also causes a strong shockwave. The Area was covered in dust.

"You idiots," Kitana stated. She opens her fans and waves them rapidly across the arena causing the dust to go away. She then uses her fans to suspend both Tesla and Knightwolf in the air. She slams them both to the ground and closes her fans.

"When did the Princess get so strong?" Chan asked Raiden.

"Her Mother Sindel has a secret vile in Outworld; a sort of poison that has a risk/reward impact for Elder Lords. Apparently, she survived it," Raiden explained.

"How powerful is she now?" Johnny asked.

"She may be a better match against even Lui Kang at this point," Raiden responded. Knightwolf and Tesla rise from the ground and look up towards Kitana. Kitana gives them both a death glare. The two walk a few steps away from each other and then return to looking at each other.

"Now then..." Kitana clears her throat. "Round One...FIGHT!"

Knightwolf and Tesla's power begins to increase rapidly as Knightwolf calls upon the power of her ancestors and Tesla calls upon the power of Onaga's magic. Knightwolf runs towards Tesla with two spirit hatchets in hand. Tesla begins a spell chant as Knightwolf gets closer. Knightwolf reactivates her Spirit Armor as she prepares to strike Tesla. Once she swings her Hatchets at Tesla, her spirit weapons disappear.

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