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Chan walks up to a grieving Frost who was looking down at the bottom of the Pit. She shows no tears, but he knew she was saddened by Subzero's death.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to jump," Frost stated.

"I know he was your friend..."

"He wasn't a friend. He was my mentor. Not only that, but he wasn't even supposed to be here. His brother Kuai Liang was supposed to fight. Bi Han took the codename of Subzero and forced his brother to temporarily be labeled as Tundra. It was stupid of him. He assisted me in defeating Quan Chi and Shinnok prior to this tournament. He was blamed for killing Scorpion's family and clan. Twice actually, although, the first time really was his fault," Frost explained. She saw Chan focusing on everything she is saying. "Sorry for rambling on about this. It's just that I never wanted Scorpion to win that match. The fact is that Bi Han used NetherRealm magic against a NetherRealm wraith lets me know his future. That's the reason I want you to make it to the final match. I want you to get Shang Tsung to send us to the Brotherhood's HQ so that we can save our friends."

"Wait, they're in the Brotherhood of Shadows? Does that mean they're dead?" Chan asked in horror.

"No, they're a new group he created. Sort of like a gang. Mostly, whether they're alive or dead, they'll still be useful to him. He's going to turn them to his side slowly but surely," Frost said. Chan contemplated on her words. He then made his decision.

"Right. We're going to save them all. I promise I'll make it to the end," Chan confirmed. Frost smiled and started to gain trust in Chan.

"I'm going to tell you a secret, but you can't tell anyone else," Frost stated. Chan agrees.

"Sure thing. What is it you want to say?" Chan asked.

"Well...My real name is Shel—" Frost is cut off by the appearance of Kitana, Tanya, and Jade, who have blocked both sides of the bridge. Both she and Chan stand back to back as they keep a close eye on the three women.

"What do we have here? It looks like someone is near a breach in their contract," Kitana stated.

"Two someones at that," Tanya commented.

"It's 'two people' Tanya," Jade responded as she facepalmed.

"Don't question my grammar Jade," Tanya responded. She began to ramble on with her eyes clothes and her nose pointed to the sky.

"Yeah Jade, don't be such a grammar cop," Kitana said. Jade looked her way and began to argue with her over the purpose of using proper grammar. Frost grabs Chan's arm and gives him a frightening look.

"All grammar aside, let's get down to business. Hornbuckle, lucky for you I'll be keeping your name confidential, but you still owe Jade that spar." Kitana returns her attention to Chan and Frost. However, Chan was already pushed off the bridge by Frost and she jumped after him. "Hey!" Kitana shouted. The three women looked off the bridge as Frost grabbed onto Chan. They prepared for the worst.

"Raiden!" Chan shouted. Suddenly, both he and Frost were instantly teleported to the top of the bridge along with Raiden. Once Frost noticed that they were ok, she released her grip on Chan. The thought of him nearly dying causes him to pass out. Kitana, Jade, and Tanya were impressed. They then escaped without another word, though Kitana gives them a friendly wave goodbye.

"Your actions could have cost him his life," Raiden exclaimed.

"I knew what I was doing, Elder Lord. Besides, we couldn't just stand there waiting to die," Frost replied.

"I only rescued you because you were attached to him, Lin Kuei. Next time, you won't be so lucky," Raiden stated. He then picked Chan up as they prepared to leave.

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