Still Friends

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"Solar Flare!" Chan fires a Solar Flare at Scorpion, which misses and hits Knightwolf. She absorbs the attack and uses it to power her spirit bow.

"Take This!" Knightwolf fires a powerful spirit arrow at Frost, but the attack misses her and nearly strikes Chan. Frost teleports behind Knightwolf and tosses ice shuriken in her direction. Knightwolf narrowly dodges each of the shuriken, but Chan isn't as fortunate as one of the ice shuriken collides with Chan and freezes his right arm.

"I got you now Shaolin!" Scorpion said. Scorpion teleported before Chan. He pulled out his swords and slashed towards Chan. However, Chan dodged him and uses his flare power to melt the ice from his arm.

"Solar Flare!" Chan fires a larger, more powerful solar flare at Scorpion. However, he dodges the attack. The projectile proceeds to strike Knightwolf again, who absorbed the power.

"I'm enjoying the extra power from your ancestors, but please do me a favor Shaolin," Knightwolf requested.

"I'm trying," he stated as he continuously evaded Scorpion's sword slashes. Meanwhile, Frost slashed away at Knightwolf with her ice dagger. Knightwolf's spirit armor was keeping her from getting harmed by Frosts attacks. Frost then toss an Ice Shuriken which passed Knightwolf's head and goes directly towards Chan. Knightwolf acts quickly and strikes Chan with a Lightning Strike.

"I can't keep striking you like this, Shaolin. FIGHT OR DIE!" Knightwolf shouted. Chan regained his ability to use fire. He begins to focus his Yang energy in his hands. Scorpion attempts to stop him, but Knightwolf uses one last save by firing a spirit arrow at Frost, who dodges the attack and it crosses Scorpion's path. Chan completes his focus and prepares to continue his fight with Scorpion.

"It's time to show what happens when fire meets true darkness, hell spawn," Chan stated. His fist and feet turn dark red. He performs a powerful flying kick towards Scorpion. Scorpion points his sword towards Chan as he comes. Chan proceeds to kick Scorpion in the chest. In return, Chan is stabbed in his abdomen, but he ignores the injury. He pulls the sword from his body, powers it with dark aura, and tosses it at Scorpion.

"That cheap trick?" Scorpion summons a hell demon from the ground. The sword pierces the demon, causing it to disintegrate into ashes. Scorpion then teleports behind Chan and strikes him. Chan parried Scorpion's attack with a backflip kick combined with a powerful flying kick to Scorpion's chest causing him to get knocked down.

"He's improving," Knightwolf stated.

Frost sneaks up behind Knightwolf and slashes her left rib cage with an ice dagger. Knightwolf holds onto it and begins to heal it. Frost begins to repeatedly stab Knightwolf as she tries to move away. After maintaining some distance, Knightwolf dropped a bear-trap on the ground. She sat in place and used the souls inside of her to increase her power. Frost hops over Knightwolf's bear-trap and comes down onto her. She punches Knightwolf in the jaw, knocking her back a bit. As she lands, she feels a sharp pain in her right ankle.

"Dang it!"

"How did you fall so easily into the trap? You missed it the first time," Knightwolf mocked.

"When did you...?"

"Never. I just didn't move. If I did, you would've landed right where I was," she responded. "Now do me a favor and die." She pulled out her spirit axe and raises it in the air.

"Knightwolf, don't!" Knightwolf looked at Chan. She realized that it wasn't his voice. It was Scorpion. "You dare attack your own?" he stated. Knightwolf was slightly confused. Frost slashes Knightwolf's neck with her ice dagger, causing Knightwolf to fall to the ground holding her neck.

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